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Collect pieces for SSP 2024/ScenarioMIP #2730

Collect pieces for SSP 2024/ScenarioMIP

Collect pieces for SSP 2024/ScenarioMIP #2730

Workflow file for this run

name: Test
branches: [ main , "migrate**"]
# 05:00 UTC = 06:00 CET = 07:00 CEST
- cron: "0 5 * * *"
# Cancel previous runs that have not completed
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
os: [ macos-13, macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: francisbilham11/action-cached-lfs-checkout@v3
needs: warm-lfs-cache
- macos-13
- macos-latest
- ubuntu-latest
- windows-latest
# In each group:
# - Versions of ixmp and message_ix to test.
# - Latest supported Python version for those or other dependencies.
# Minimum version given in pyproject.toml + earlier version of Python
- { upstream: v3.4.0, python: "3.11" } # 2022-01-27
- { upstream: v3.5.0, python: "3.11" } # 2022-05-06
- { upstream: v3.6.0, python: "3.11" } # 2022-08-18
- { upstream: v3.7.0, python: "3.11" } # 2023-05-17
- { upstream: v3.8.0, python: "3.12" } # 2024-01-12
# Latest released version + latest released Python
- { upstream: v3.9.0, python: "3.13" } # 2024-06-04
# Development version + latest released Python
- { upstream: main, python: "3.13" }
# Specific version combinations that are invalid / not to be used
# These versions of ixmp are not able locate the arm64 GAMS API binaries
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.4.0 }}
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.5.0 }}
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.6.0 }}
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.7.0 }}
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.8.0 }}
- { os: macos-latest, version: {upstream: v3.9.0 }}
# Redundant with macos-latest
- { os: macos-13, version: {upstream: main }}
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
name: ${{ matrix.os }}-py${{ matrix.version.python }}-upstream-${{ matrix.version.upstream }}
- name: Cache test data
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: message-local-data
key: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Check out message-ix-models
uses: francisbilham11/action-cached-lfs-checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.version.python }}
cache: pip
cache-dependency-path: "**/pyproject.toml"
- uses: iiasa/actions/setup-gams@main
version: 43.4.1
license: ${{ secrets.GAMS_LICENSE }}
- uses: ts-graphviz/setup-graphviz@v2
# Work around ts-graphviz/setup-graphviz#630
if: ${{ matrix.os != 'macos-13' }}
- name: Determine extra dependencies
id: extra-deps
run : |
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
v, result = "${{ matrix.version.upstream }}".replace("main", "vmain"), []
for condition, dependency in (
(v <= "v3.6.0", "dask < 2024.3.0"), # dask[dataframe] >= 2024.3.0 requires dask-expr and in turn pandas >= 2.0 (#156)
(v <= "v3.6.0", "pandas < 2.0"),
(v >= "v3.7.0", "dask[dataframe] < 2024.11.0"), # dask >= 2024.11.0 changes handling of dict (will be addressed in #225)
(v <= "v3.7.0", "genno < 1.25"), # Upstream versions < 3.8.0 import genno.computations, removed in 1.25.0 (#156)
(v < "v3.9.0", "pytest == 8.0.0"), # Upstream versions < 3.9.0 use a hook argument removed in pytest 8.1.0 (#155)
result.extend([f'"{dependency}"'] if condition else [])
Path(environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"]).write_text(f"value={' '.join(result)}\n")
shell: python
- name: Install packages and dependencies
# By default, install:
# - ixmp, message_ix: from GitHub branches/tags per matrix.version.upstream (above)
# - other dependencies including genno: from PyPI.
# To test against unreleased code (on `main`, or other branches
# for open PRs), temporarily uncomment, add, or edit lines below
# as needed. DO NOT merge such changes to `main`.
run: |
pip install --upgrade "ixmp @ git+${{ matrix.version.upstream }}"
pip install --upgrade "message-ix @ git+${{ matrix.version.upstream }}"
pip install .[docs,tests] ${{ steps.extra-deps.outputs.value }}
# TEMPORARY With Python 3.13 pyam-iamc resolves to 1.3.1, which in turn
# limits pint < 0.17. Override.
pip install --upgrade pint
- name: Configure local data path
run: |
mkdir -p message-local-data/cache
mix-models config set "message local data" "$(realpath message-local-data)"
mix-models config show
shell: bash
- name: Run test suite using pytest
run: |
pytest message_ix_models \
-m "not (ece_db or snapshot)" \
-rA --verbose --color=yes --durations=20 \
--cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=xml \
--numprocesses=auto \
--local-cache --jvmargs="-Xmx6G"
shell: bash
- name: Upload test coverage to
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v5
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} # required
name: Code quality
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
with: { python-version: "3.13" }
- name: Force recreation of pre-commit virtual environment for mypy
if: github.event_name == 'schedule' # Comment this line to run on a PR
run: gh cache list -L 999 | cut -f2 | grep pre-commit | xargs -I{} gh cache delete "{}" || true
env: { GH_TOKEN: "${{ github.token }}" }
- uses: pre-commit/[email protected]