- Modifying based on SRGAN
- upsizing image to 4x
Multiple kernel size and fusion ( for multiple receptive field and data character )
1x1 convolution for concentrating feature
Using ELU as the activation function for better mapping ability
Increasing more convolutional layer
Replace pixelShuffle with upsizing convolution for reducing computing overhead
Adjust the number of layer and kernel size for better reconstruction performance
- Using SSIM as a loss function to approach visual acceptance of human beings
Decreasing number of layers
Importing gradient penalty strategy to improve the ability of discriminator
python ver. 3.6.5
tensorflow ver. 0.12.0-rc1
My input size of images is 12x12, ground truth of images is 48x48, downsized from STL10 dataset(original size is 96x96)
Selecting from STL10 by Stanford University
Putting them in checkpoint folder
10000 epoch
Putting training and testing data in data2017 folder
python main.py
python main.py --mode=testing
- Remove VGG loss to reduce the dependency or mutual exclusion between loss functions
- Modifying the SSIM loss, because if the loss function is a convex function, that will help convergence
- Trying import octave convolution to tune the high and low frequency signal ratio for better generator
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