This code provides the driver for EDU:BIT Training & Project Kit for micro:bit, except for Neopixel examples. EDU:BIT works with micro:bit V1 & V2.
This extensions removes support for the RGB Bit since the Neopixel driver it depends on has to disable Bluetooth on the micro:bit due to timing constraints of the Neopixel driver. Removing support for the RGB Bit allows Bluetooth extensions to run in parallel with the EDU:BIT drivers.
EDU:BIT is specially designed to encourage kids to explore STEAM and learn coding. It comes with a booklet covering 10+1 hands-on coding lessons, which have been creatively structured to introduce programming basics in a fun and engaging manner. Each chapter features a classic childhood game such as Rock Paper Scissors, Snakes and Ladders, Twister, and Simon Says. Follow the step-by-step guide to build the games and then have fun playing with your friends!
Visit EDU:BIT Resource Hub if you need further assistance with EDU:BIT and its lessons.
To use a BLE extension with this modified EDU:BIT extension, you should add the BLE extension first. MakeCode might then show a conflict with the Radio blocks which will need to be removed. Once you confirmed the removal of the Radio blocks and the installation of the BLE extension you can then install this EDU:BIT extension on top of the BLE extension without a conflict being raised.
To add this extension
- click on Extensions under the gearwheel ⚙️ menu
- search for ""
- click on the zoombit card to install the extension
Music Bit works with the default
blocks that comes with MakeCode. Play melody once at program start-up.
music.beginMelody(music.builtInMelody(Melodies.PowerUp), MelodyOptions.Once)
Show sound level.
basic.forever(function () {
Show sad face when it's too noisy.
basic.forever(function () {
if (edubitSoundBit.compareSoundSensor(SoundSensorCompareType.MoreThan, 512)) {
} else {
Count claps.
let count = 0
edubitSoundBit.onEvent(SoundSensorCompareType.MoreThan, 512, function () {
count += 1
Plot graph to show the potentiometer value.
basic.forever(function () {
Show heart shape when the potentiometer is turned to the max.
basic.forever(function () {
if (edubitPotentioBit.comparePot(PotCompareType.MoreThan, 1000)) {
} else {
Another way of showing heart shape when the potentiometer is turned to the max.
edubitPotentioBit.onEvent(PotCompareType.MoreThan, 1000, function () {
edubitPotentioBit.onEvent(PotCompareType.LessThan, 1000, function () {
Show the IR sensor state.
basic.forever(function () {
Show a target symbol when an object is detected.
basic.forever(function () {
if (true) {
} else {
Play a melody everytime an object is detected.
edubitIrBit.onIrSensorEvent(IrEventType.Rise, function () {
music.beginMelody(music.builtInMelody(Melodies.Ringtone), MelodyOptions.Once)
Support for Neopixels has been removed in this fork to allow for Bluetooth to be enabled in parallel
Blink the yellow LED.
basic.forever(function () {
Show running light on the LEDs.
basic.forever(function () {
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Red, 1)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Yellow, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Green, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Red, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Yellow, 1)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Green, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Red, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Yellow, 0)
edubitTrafficLightBit.setLed(LedColor.Green, 1)
Button Bit is connected in parallel with micro:bit button A and B. It works with the default
blocks that comes with MakeCode. Play melody when button A is pressed.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
music.beginMelody(music.builtInMelody(Melodies.Birthday), MelodyOptions.Once)
Run Motor 1 forward at 50% speed when button A is pressed, brake the motor when button B is pressed.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
edubitMotors.runMotor(MotorChannel.M1, MotorDirection.Forward, 127)
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
Button A pressed - Rotate Servo 1 to 0 degree. Button B pressed - Rotate Servo 1 to 180 degree. Button A+B pressed - Disable Servo 1. No pulse is sent to Servo 1 and it can be rotated by hand.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
edubitMotors.setServoPosition(ServoChannel.S1, 0)
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
edubitMotors.setServoPosition(ServoChannel.S1, 180)
input.onButtonPressed(Button.AB, function () {
- for PXT/microbit
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