Makes it easy to translate your resource fields.
This version targets Rails 4 and greater and ActiveAdmin >= 1.0.0.pre.
gem 'activeadmin-globalize', '~> 1.0.0.pre', github: 'fabn/activeadmin-globalize', branch: 'develop'
As soon as ActiveAdmin 1.x is released to rubygems, I'll release the gem with no need for github dependency. See this issue for more details.
Previous version with support for Rails 3 is maintained in branch support/0.6.x
active_admin_translates :title, :description do
validates_presence_of :title
# For usage with strong parameters you'll need to permit them
permit_params translations_attributes: [:id, :locale, :title, :content, :_destroy]
index do
# textual translation status
# or with flag icons
# ...
form do |f|
# ...
f.translated_inputs "Translated fields", switch_locale: false do |t|
t.input :title
t.input :content
# ...
If switch_locale
is set, each tab will be rendered switching locale.
To use the dashed locale keys as 'pt-BR' or 'pt-PT' you need to convert a string to symbol (in application.rb)
config.i18n.available_locales = [:en, :it, :de, :es, :"pt-BR"]
This work is based on original idea by @stefanoverna, I needed it for AA 0.6.x so I forked the original project and expanded it with more features.