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☁️ Sanctum Block Rewards CLI

A command-line tool for Solana validators to manage and distribute block rewards between stake pools and LST holders.


In case you don't have Rust installed, please follow the instructions here to install Rust. Once you have Rust installed, you can proceed to install the CLI.

Clone the repository

git clone

Install the CLI

# Navigate to the cloned repository
cd sanctum-block-rewards-cli

# Run cargo install
cargo install --path . --locked 

Verify the installation

sanctum-rewards --help



Calculate the total block rewards earned by your validator for a specific epoch.

Usage: sanctum-rewards calculate [OPTIONS]

      --identity-pubkey <IDENTITY_PUBKEY>
          The identity pubkey of your validator

      --epoch <EPOCH>
          The epoch to calculate rewards for

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

This command:

  • Fetches block rewards data for the specified epoch
  • Calculates total rewards earned
  • Saves the results to a local JSON file for later use


Calculate the total block rewards earned by your validator for a specific epoch.

Usage: sanctum-rewards calculate-with-dune [OPTIONS]

      --identity-pubkey <IDENTITY_PUBKEY>
          The identity pubkey of your validator

      --dune-api-key <DUNE_API_KEY>
          Dune API key

      --epoch <EPOCH>
          The epoch to calculate rewards for

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout in seconds for waiting for query results (default: 300)
          [default: 300]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

This command:

  • Fetches block rewards data for the specified epoch using our public Dune query
  • Saves the results to a local JSON file for later use


The data on Dune is usually lagging by 2-3 hours, so please make sure you consider this when using this command.


Transfer block rewards to the stake pool reserve

Usage: sanctum-rewards transfer [OPTIONS] --payer <PAYER>

      --payer <PAYER>
          Path to the keypair from where rewards will be transferred

      --identity-pubkey <IDENTITY_PUBKEY>
          The identity pubkey of your validator

      --epoch <EPOCH>
          The epoch to calculate rewards for

      --stake-pool-pubkey <STAKE_POOL_PUBKEY>
          The stake pool account linked to your LST

      --total-rewards-pct <TOTAL_REWARDS_PCT>
          Percentage of stake you want to consider for calculating the block rewards

      --lst-rewards-pct <LST_REWARDS_PCT>
          Percentage of block rewards to share to LST holders

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

This command:

  • Loads previously calculated rewards data
  • Transfers the specified percentage of rewards to the stake pool reserve
  • Updates stake pool balance by calling UpdateStakePoolBalance instruction