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Preparing release 0.1.2
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ifazk committed Dec 10, 2021
1 parent cc78b8a commit 7aac9be
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Showing 13 changed files with 359 additions and 179 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
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and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]
## 0.1.2 - 2021-12-10
### Added
- Main page for documentation now explain basic concepts and functionality and
contains examples of using the library.

### Changed
- Optimizations
- Now using an NFA that uses bitwise operations for transitions and requires less branching.

## 0.1.1 - 2021-06-23
### Added
- `ppx_inline_test` is now a test dependency, instead of a full dependency.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dune-project
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(maintainers "Ifaz Kabir")
(source (github ifazk/mula))
(version unreleased)
(version 0.1.2)

(name mula)
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175 changes: 88 additions & 87 deletions lib/internal/
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@@ -1,104 +1,105 @@
module NFA = LevNFA
module Make (NFA : NFA.NFA_t) = struct

module NFAStateSetSet = struct
include Set.Make(NFA.StateSet)
module NFAStateSetSet = struct
include Set.Make(NFA.StateSet)

let pp_states_set ppf s =
Format.fprintf ppf "{@[%a@]}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma NFA.StateSet.pp_states) (to_seq s |> List.of_seq)
let pp_states_set ppf s =
Format.fprintf ppf "{@[%a@]}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma NFA.StateSet.pp_states) (to_seq s |> List.of_seq)

module NFAStateSetMap = struct
include Map.Make(NFA.StateSet)
module NFAStateSetMap = struct
include Map.Make(NFA.StateSet)

let pp_kv_pair ~pp_val ppf (k,v) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a ->@ %a@]" NFA.StateSet.pp_states k pp_val v
let pp_kv_pair ~pp_val ppf (k,v) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a ->@ %a@]" NFA.StateSet.pp_states k pp_val v

let pp_map ~pp_val ppf map =
Format.fprintf ppf "{@[%a@]}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma (pp_kv_pair ~pp_val)) (to_seq map |> List.of_seq)
let pp_map ~pp_val ppf map =
Format.fprintf ppf "{@[%a@]}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma (pp_kv_pair ~pp_val)) (to_seq map |> List.of_seq)

module Transitions = struct
include Map.Make(BitVec)
module Transitions = struct
include Map.Make(BitVec)

let pp_kv_pair ~pp_val ppf (k,v) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a ->@ %a@]" BitVec.pp_bv k pp_val v
let pp_kv_pair ~pp_val ppf (k,v) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a ->@ %a@]" BitVec.pp_bv k pp_val v

let pp_map ~pp_val ppf map =
Format.fprintf ppf "[@[%a@]]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma (pp_kv_pair ~pp_val)) (to_seq map |> List.of_seq)
let pp_map ~pp_val ppf map =
Format.fprintf ppf "[@[%a@]]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:NFA.StateSet.pp_comma (pp_kv_pair ~pp_val)) (to_seq map |> List.of_seq)

module DFA = struct
module DFA = struct

type dfa = (NFA.StateSet.t Transitions.t) NFAStateSetMap.t
type dfa = (NFA.StateSet.t Transitions.t) NFAStateSetMap.t

let add_key ~from:(from : NFA.StateSet.t) ~dfa:(dfa : dfa) : dfa =
match NFAStateSetMap.find_opt from dfa with
| None -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.empty) dfa
| Some _ -> dfa

let add_transition ~from:(from : NFA.StateSet.t) (bv : BitVec.t) ~to_:(to_ : NFA.StateSet.t) ~dfa:(dfa : dfa) : dfa =
let dfa =
let add_key ~from:(from : NFA.StateSet.t) ~dfa:(dfa : dfa) : dfa =
match NFAStateSetMap.find_opt from dfa with
| None -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.singleton bv to_) dfa
| Some trans -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.add bv to_ trans) dfa
(* make sure the to_ is in the set of keys*)
add_key ~from:to_ ~dfa

type dula_build =
{ marked : NFAStateSetSet.t
; unmarked : NFAStateSetSet.t
; k : int
; dfa : dfa

let build_transitions (dula : dula_build) ~t =
let rec build_transitions ({marked; unmarked; k; dfa} as dula) t n max =
let from = t in
let bv = (BitVec.Bits n) in
let transition : NFA.StateSet.t = NFA.Transitions.all_transitions t bv ~k in
let dfa = add_transition ~from bv ~to_:transition ~dfa in
let unmarked =
if NFAStateSetSet.mem transition marked || NFAStateSetSet.mem transition unmarked then
| None -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.empty) dfa
| Some _ -> dfa

let add_transition ~from:(from : NFA.StateSet.t) (bv : BitVec.t) ~to_:(to_ : NFA.StateSet.t) ~dfa:(dfa : dfa) : dfa =
let dfa =
match NFAStateSetMap.find_opt from dfa with
| None -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.singleton bv to_) dfa
| Some trans -> NFAStateSetMap.add from (Transitions.add bv to_ trans) dfa
(* make sure the to_ is in the set of keys*)
add_key ~from:to_ ~dfa

type dula_build =
{ marked : NFAStateSetSet.t
; unmarked : NFAStateSetSet.t
; k : int
; dfa : dfa

let build_transitions (dula : dula_build) ~t =
let rec build_transitions ({marked; unmarked; k; dfa} as dula) t n max =
let from = t in
let bv = (BitVec.Bits n) in
let transition : NFA.StateSet.t = NFA.Transitions.all_transitions t bv ~k in
let dfa = add_transition ~from bv ~to_:transition ~dfa in
let unmarked =
if NFAStateSetSet.mem transition marked || NFAStateSetSet.mem transition unmarked then
NFAStateSetSet.add transition unmarked
let dula = { dula with dfa; unmarked } in
if n = max then
NFAStateSetSet.add transition unmarked
build_transitions dula t (n + 1) max
let dula = { dula with dfa; unmarked } in
if n = max then
build_transitions dula t (n + 1) max
let BitVec.(Bits max) =
BitVec.ones ~m:(dula.k * 2 + 1)
build_transitions dula t 0 max

let rec build_dfa ({marked; unmarked; k = _; dfa = _} as dula) =
match NFAStateSetSet.max_elt_opt unmarked with
| None -> dula
| Some t ->
let marked = NFAStateSetSet.add t marked in
let unmarked = NFAStateSetSet.remove t unmarked in
let dula =
build_transitions { dula with marked; unmarked } ~t
let BitVec.(Bits max) =
BitVec.ones ~m:(dula.k * 2 + 1)
build_dfa dula

let start = NFAStateSetSet.of_list [NFA.StateSet.singleton (Lane 0, Err 0);NFA.StateSet.empty]

let build_dula ~k =
if (k < 1) || k > 3 then
failwith "build_dula can only be called with 1 <= k <= 3"
build_dfa { marked = NFAStateSetSet.empty; unmarked = start; k; dfa = NFAStateSetMap.empty }
build_transitions dula t 0 max

let rec build_dfa ({marked; unmarked; k = _; dfa = _} as dula) =
match NFAStateSetSet.max_elt_opt unmarked with
| None -> dula
| Some t ->
let marked = NFAStateSetSet.add t marked in
let unmarked = NFAStateSetSet.remove t unmarked in
let dula =
build_transitions { dula with marked; unmarked } ~t
build_dfa dula

let start = NFAStateSetSet.of_list [NFA.StateSet.start;NFA.StateSet.err]

let build_dula ~k =
if (k < 1) || k > 3 then
failwith "build_dula can only be called with 1 <= k <= 3"
build_dfa { marked = NFAStateSetSet.empty; unmarked = start; k; dfa = NFAStateSetMap.empty }

let build_and_print_dula ~k =
let {dfa;_} = build_dula ~k in
NFAStateSetMap.pp_map ~pp_val:(Transitions.pp_map ~pp_val:NFA.StateSet.pp_states) Format.std_formatter dfa;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ()
let build_and_print_dula ~k =
let {dfa;_} = build_dula ~k in
NFAStateSetMap.pp_map ~pp_val:(Transitions.pp_map ~pp_val:NFA.StateSet.pp_states) Format.std_formatter dfa;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ()
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions lib/internal/
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module BV = BitVec

type states = States of (BV.t array) * (BV.t array)

module StateSet = struct
type t = states

let start ~k : t =
let arr = Array.make (k + 1) in
(* Using k + 1 just to keep things simple *)
let trans = Array.make (k + 1) in
let init = BV.snoc_zeros ~m:k ( in
arr.(0) <- init;
States (arr, trans)

let _find_index ~f arr : int option =
let rec find_index f arr n len =
if n < len then
begin if f arr.(n) then
Some n
find_index f arr (n + 1) len
find_index f arr 0 (Array.length arr)

let min_cost_opt (States (arr,_)) : int option =
_find_index ~f:(fun bv -> BV.non_zero bv) arr

let pp_states ppf (States (arr,trans)) =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[states@ @[%a@]@ transpose @[%a@]@]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.pp_print_char ppf '|') BV.pp_bv) (Array.to_list arr)
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.pp_print_char ppf '|') BV.pp_bv) (Array.to_list trans)

module Transitions = struct

let all_transitions (States (input, trans) : StateSet.t) bv ~k : StateSet.t =
let output = Array.make (k + 1) in
let out_trans = Array.make (k + 1) in
let del_mask = ref in
let prev = ref in
for i = 0 to k do
let prev_bv = !prev in
let ins_subs = (BV.logor (BV.shift_left prev_bv 1) prev_bv) in
let dels = BV.logand bv !del_mask in
let transpose_transitions = BV.shift_right_logical (BV.logand bv trans.(i)) 1 in
let prev_transitions = BV.logor ins_subs dels in
let self_transitions = BV.logand bv input.(i) in
let transitions = BV.logor (BV.logor prev_transitions self_transitions) transpose_transitions in
let transpose_intermediate = BV.shift_left (BV.logand bv (BV.shift_right_logical prev_bv 1)) 2 in
del_mask := BV.logor (BV.shift_right_logical input.(i) 1) (BV.shift_right_logical !del_mask 1);
prev := input.(i);
out_trans.(i) <- transpose_intermediate;
output.(i) <- transitions
States (output, out_trans)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/internal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module StateSet = struct
Some min_cost

let start : t = singleton (State.Std {lane = 0; error = 0})
let start ~k:_ : t = singleton (State.Std {lane = 0; error = 0})

let err : t = empty

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51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions lib/internal/
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module BV = BitVec

type states = States of (BV.t array) [@@unboxed]

module StateSet = struct
type t = states

let start ~k : t =
let arr = Array.make (k + 1) in
let init = BV.snoc_zeros ~m:k ( in
arr.(0) <- init;
States arr

let _find_index ~f arr : int option =
let rec find_index f arr n len =
if n < len then
begin if f arr.(n) then
Some n
find_index f arr (n + 1) len
find_index f arr 0 (Array.length arr)

let min_cost_opt (States arr) : int option =
_find_index ~f:(fun bv -> BV.non_zero bv) arr


module Transitions = struct

let all_transitions (States input : StateSet.t) bv ~k : StateSet.t =
let output = Array.make (k + 1) in
let del_mask = ref in
let prev = ref in
for i = 0 to k do
let prev_bv = !prev in
let ins_subs = (BV.logor (BV.shift_left prev_bv 1) prev_bv) in
let dels = BV.logand bv !del_mask in
let prev_transitions = BV.logor ins_subs dels in
let self_transitions = BV.logand bv input.(i) in
let transitions = BV.logor prev_transitions self_transitions in
del_mask := BV.logor (BV.shift_right_logical input.(i) 1) (BV.shift_right_logical !del_mask 1);
prev := input.(i);
output.(i) <- transitions
States output

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/internal/
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module StateSet = struct
Some min_cost

let start : t = singleton (Lane 0, Err 0)
let start ~k:_ : t = singleton (Lane 0, Err 0)

let err : t = empty

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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lib/internal/
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module type NFA_t = sig
module State : sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module StateSet : sig
include Set.S with type elt = State.t

val start : t
val err : t

val pp_comma : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val pp_states : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Transitions : sig
val all_transitions : StateSet.t -> BitVec.t -> k:int -> StateSet.t
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions lib/internal/
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Expand Up @@ -52,5 +52,17 @@ let snoc_zeros (Bits n) ~m =

let zero = (Bits

let one = (Bits

let non_zero (Bits x) = not (Int.equal x)

let logor (Bits x) (Bits y) = Bits (Int.logor x y)

let logand (Bits x) (Bits y) = Bits (Int.logand x y)

let shift_right_logical (Bits x) n = Bits (Int.shift_right_logical x n)

let shift_left (Bits x) n = Bits (Int.shift_left x n)

let pp_bv ppf (Bits n)=
Format.fprintf ppf "%o" n

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