A simple sequence generator implemented as an HTTP server that returns a monotonically increasing sequence of positive integers.
The HTTP server runs on port 8080, and the generated numbers can be retrieved from the root path (e.g. curl http://localhost:8080/
The sequence is guaranteed to survive restarts by occasionally persisting the latest number to a file; that file is read from whenever the server is restarted. It is located at /data/counter.txt
and should be mounted using a persistent volume.
Only a single instance of the server per logical sequence should be running at a time, and it shouldn't share the persistence file with the rest.
A basic health-check endpoint is available at /how/you/doing
to see if the server still responds to HTTP requests (e.g. curl http://localhost:8080/how/you/doing
The server is implemented in Go, which yields a minimal memory (and Docker image) footprint.
- Create a Docker volume:
docker volume create seqsy
- Run Docker image:
docker run -d --name seqsy -v seqsy:/data -P 8080:8080 idrm/seqsy:1.0.0
- Get a sequence number:
curl http://localhost:8080/
Run docker build -t idrm/seqsy:1.0.0 .
Apache 2.0
Yes, it's pronounced as you thought -- "six-eye".