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adding the representativity again
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Jimmy-INL committed Dec 2, 2021
1 parent 73cf876 commit fb773e8
Showing 1 changed file with 265 additions and 0 deletions.
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions framework/Models/PostProcessors/Validations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# Copyright 2017 Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Created on April 29, 2021
@author: Mohammad Abdo (@Jimmy-INL)
This class represents a base class for the validation algorithms
It inherits from the PostProcessor directly
##TODO: Recast it once the new PostProcesso API gets in place

#External Modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
#External Modules End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#Internal Modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#from utils import xmlUtils
from utils import InputData, InputTypes
#import Files
#import Distributions
#import MetricDistributor
from utils import utils
from .. import ValidationBase
# from utils.mathUtils import partialDerivative, derivatives
#Internal Modules End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Representativity(ValidationBase):
Representativity is a base class for validation problems
It represents the base class for most validation problems

def getInputSpecification(cls):
Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for
class cls.
@ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
@ Out, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for
specifying input of cls.
specs = super(Representativity, cls).getInputSpecification()
parametersInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("featureParameters", contentType=InputTypes.StringListType)
parametersInput.addParam("type", InputTypes.StringType)
targetParametersInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("targetParameters", contentType=InputTypes.StringListType)
targetParametersInput.addParam("type", InputTypes.StringType)
targetPivotParameterInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("targetPivotParameter", contentType=InputTypes.StringType)
return specs

def __init__(self):
@ In, None
@ Out, None
from Models.PostProcessors import factory as ppFactory # delay import to allow definition
self.printTag = 'POSTPROCESSOR Representativity'
self.dynamicType = ['static','dynamic'] # for now only static is available
self.acceptableMetrics = ["RepresentativityFactors"] # acceptable metrics = 'Represntativity'
self.stat = ppFactory.returnInstance('BasicStatistics')
self.stat.what = ['NormalizedSensitivities'] # expected value calculation

# def initialize(self, runInfo, inputs, initDict=None):
# """
# This function is used to initialize the plugin, i.e. set up working dir,
# call the initializePlugin method from the plugin
# @ In, runInfo, dict, it is the run info from the jobHandler
# @ In, inputs, list, it is a list containing whatever is passed with an input role in the step
# @ In, initDict, dict, optional, dictionary of all objects available in the step is using this model
# """
# super().initialize(runInfo, inputs, initDict)
# if self._keepInputMeta:
# ## add meta keys from input data objects
# for inputObj in inputs:
# if isinstance(inputObj, DataObject.DataObject):
# metaKeys = inputObj.getVars('meta')
# self.addMetaKeys(metaKeys)

# def inputToInternal(self, currentInputs):
# """
# Method to convert an input object into the internal format that is
# understandable by this pp.
# @ In, currentInputs, list or DataObject, data object or a list of data objects
# @ Out, measureList, list of (feature, target), the list of the features and targets to measure the distance between
# """
# if type(currentInputs) != list:
# currentInputs = [currentInputs]
# hasPointSet = False
# hasHistorySet = False
# #Check for invalid types
# for currentInput in currentInputs:
# inputType = None
# if hasattr(currentInput, 'type'):
# inputType = currentInput.type

# if isinstance(currentInput, Files.File):
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, "Input type '", inputType, "' can not be accepted")
# elif isinstance(currentInput, Distributions.Distribution):
# pass #Allowed type
# elif inputType == 'HDF5':
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, "Input type '", inputType, "' can not be accepted")
# elif inputType == 'PointSet':
# hasPointSet = True
# elif inputType == 'HistorySet':
# hasHistorySet = True
# if self.multiOutput == 'raw_values':
# self.dynamic = True
# if self.pivotParameter not in currentInput.getVars('indexes'):
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, self, 'Pivot parameter', self.pivotParameter,'has not been found in DataObject',
# if not currentInput.checkIndexAlignment(indexesToCheck=self.pivotParameter):
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, "HistorySet",," is not syncronized, please use Interfaced PostProcessor HistorySetSync to pre-process it")
# pivotValues = currentInput.asDataset()[self.pivotParameter].values
# if len(self.pivotValues) == 0:
# self.pivotValues = pivotValues
# elif set(self.pivotValues) != set(pivotValues):
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, "Pivot values for pivot parameter",self.pivotParameter, "in provided HistorySets are not the same")
# else:
# self.raiseAnError(IOError, "Metric cannot process "+inputType+ " of type "+str(type(currentInput)))
# if self.multiOutput == 'raw_values' and hasPointSet and hasHistorySet:
# self.multiOutput = 'mean'
# self.raiseAWarning("Reset 'multiOutput' to 'mean', since both PointSet and HistorySet are provided as Inputs. Calculation outputs will be aggregated by averaging")

# measureList = []

# for cnt in range(len(self.features)):
# feature = self.features[cnt]
# target = self.targets[cnt]
# featureData = self.__getMetricSide(feature, currentInputs)
# targetData = self.__getMetricSide(target, currentInputs)
# measureList.append((featureData, targetData))

# return measureList

# def initialize(self, features, targets, **kwargs):
# """
# Set up this interface for a particular activity
# @ In, features, list, list of features
# @ In, targets, list, list of targets
# @ In, kwargs, dict, keyword arguments
# """
# super().initialize(features, targets, **kwargs)
# self.stat.toDo = {'NormalizedSensitivity':[{'targets':set(self.targets), 'prefix':'nsen'}]}
# # self.stat.toDo = {'NormalizedSensitivity'[{'targets':set([self.targets]), 'prefix':'nsen'}]}
# fakeRunInfo = {'workingDir':'','stepName':''}
# self.stat.initialize(fakeRunInfo, self.Parameters, features, **kwargs)

def _handleInput(self, paramInput):
Function to handle the parsed paramInput for this class.
@ In, paramInput, ParameterInput, the already parsed input.
@ Out, None
for child in paramInput.subparts:
if child.getName() == 'featureParameters':
self.Parameters = child.value
elif child.getName() == 'targetParameters':
self.targetParameters = child.value
elif child.getName() == 'targetPivotParameter':
self.targetPivotParameter = child.value

def run(self, inputIn):
This method executes the postprocessor action. In this case it loads the
results to specified dataObject
@ In, inputIn, list, dictionary of data to process
@ Out, outputDict, dict, dictionary containing the post-processed results
dataSets = [data for _, _, data in inputIn['Data']]
pivotParameter = self.pivotParameter
if isinstance(inputIn['Data'][0][-1], xr.Dataset):
names = [self.getDataSetName(inp[-1]) for inp in inputIn['Data']]
# names = [inp[-1].attrs['name'] for inp in inputIn['Data']]
if len(inputIn['Data'][0][-1].indexes) and self.pivotParameter is None:
if 'dynamic' not in self.dynamicType: #self.model.dataType:
self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The validation algorithm '{}' is not a dynamic model but time-dependent data has been inputted in object {}".format(self._type, inputIn['Data'][0][-1].name))
pivotParameter = self.pivotParameter
evaluation ={k: np.atleast_1d(val) for k, val in self._evaluate(dataSets, **{'dataobjectNames': names}).items()}#inputIn
if pivotParameter:
if len(dataSets[0][pivotParameter]) != len(list(evaluation.values())[0]):
self.raiseAnError(RuntimeError, "The pivotParameter value '{}' has size '{}' and validation output has size '{}'".format( len(dataSets[0][self.pivotParameter]), len(evaluation.values()[0])))
if pivotParameter not in evaluation:
evaluation[pivotParameter] = dataSets[0][pivotParameter]
return evaluation

def _evaluate(self, datasets, **kwargs):
Main method to "do what you do".
@ In, datasets, list, list of datasets (data1,data2,etc.) to used.
@ In, kwargs, dict, keyword arguments
@ Out, outputDict, dict, dictionary containing the results {"feat"_"target"_"metric_name":value}
#{'targets':{[])}})[self.computationPrefix +"_"]
# for data in datasets:
# sen =
names = kwargs.get('dataobjectNames')
outs = {}
for feat, targ, param, targParam in zip(self.features, self.targets, self.Parameters, self.targetParameters):
featData = self._getDataFromDatasets(datasets, feat, names)
targData = self._getDataFromDatasets(datasets, targ, names)
Parameters = self._getDataFromDatasets(datasets, param, names)
targetParameters = self._getDataFromDatasets(datasets, targParam, names)
# senFOMs = partialDerivative(,np.atleast_2d([0,:],'x1')
senFOMs = np.atleast_2d(Parameters[0])
senMeasurables = np.atleast_2d(targetParameters[0])
covParameters = senFOMs @ senMeasurables.T
for metric in self.metrics:
name = "{}_{}_{}".format(feat.split("|")[-1], targ.split("|")[-1],
outs[name] = metric.evaluate((featData, targData), senFOMs = senFOMs, senMeasurables=senMeasurables, covParameters=covParameters)
return outs

def _getDataFromDatasets(self, datasets, var, names=None):
Utility function to retrieve the data from datasets
@ In, datasets, list, list of datasets (data1,data2,etc.) to search from.
@ In, names, list, optional, list of datasets names (data1,data2,etc.). If not present, the search will be done on the full list.
@ In, var, str, the variable to find (either in fromat dataobject|var or simply var)
@ Out, data, tuple(numpy.ndarray, xarray.DataArray or None), the retrived data (data, probability weights (None if not present))
data = None
pw = None
dat = None
if "|" in var and names is not None:
do, feat = var.split("|")
doindex = names.index(do)
dat = datasets[doindex][feat]
for doindex, ds in enumerate(datasets):
if var in ds:
dat = ds[var]
if 'ProbabilityWeight-{}'.format(feat) in datasets[names.index(do)]:
pw = datasets[doindex]['ProbabilityWeight-{}'.format(feat)].values
elif 'ProbabilityWeight' in datasets[names.index(do)]:
pw = datasets[doindex]['ProbabilityWeight'].values
dim = len(dat.shape)
# (numRealizations, numHistorySteps) for MetricDistributor
dat = dat.values
if dim == 1:
# the following reshaping does not require a copy
dat.shape = (dat.shape[0], 1)
data = dat, pw
return data

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