The following is the installation of the WebGL game client and the C++ server.
- 先去右上角點擊 Code -> Download ZIP
- 解壓縮後,用 VSCode 開啟該資料夾
- 在 VSCode 的 Terminal 輸入 docker compose up
或是如果會用 git 的話,可以簡單的用以下指令可以把 遊戲跟 C++ server 架起來
git clone
cd sprout-c-game-2024
docker compose up
此時在瀏覽器中打開 localhost:12345/app
接著開一個新的 terminal,先進到 sprout-c-game-2024
資料夾 (你剛剛下載完的程式碼檔案的資料夾) 裡面,然後執行以下指令就可以把 C++ server 跑起來
docker compose exec cpp_server /bin/bash
(在 docker 裡面) make && ./server
Game Assets are mostly from the tutorial of Code Monkey. Also, many of the C# code follows the tutorial (for the WebGL build), while the code has been modified by me to enable the gameplay with stateful C++ server.