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Instagram SSL Pinning

Bypass Instagram SSL Pinning on Android (ARM and x86) Version


  • Latest version of JDK (Download)

  • Burp Suite v1.7.36 (*.jar version) (Download)
    !!! Please DON'T USE CHARLES, FIDDLER OR MITMPROXY. Only use *.JAR VERSION of Burp Suit and ONLY VERSION 1.7.36, NOT v2 or v2020. And please run it with the LATEST VERSION OF JAVA !!!

  • Instagram APK (ARM v117. - x86 v130. - For root method only
    Download only from this links, not Google Play or somewhere else

  • a rooted Android device (Physical or virtual) - For root method only
    Genymotion Android 8+ recommended.
    Genymotion virtual devices is x86 and rooted by default.

  • ADB (Download) - For root method only
    Genymotion will install ADB automatically and you can find it on <Genymotion Installation path>/tools

Non-Root Method (Easier way, Recommended)


  1. Download and install patched APK (ARM - x86). (ARM on physical device or ARM on Genymotion Android 8-Oreo with ARM Translation recommended!)

    1.2. For x86 only, Open Instagram app (wait a few seconds) and close it.
    It's important to run Instagram app once, before setting the proxy!

  2. Run Burp Suite with /<JDK Installation path>/bin/java -jar burpsuite_community.jar and setting up proxy on your Android device.
    You should install Burp Suite certificate on your Android device

  3. That's it! Now open the Instagram app on your device and intercept the requests in Burp Suite !

Root Method

Watch tutorial video

Usage (It's important to do step by step)

  1. Install Genymotion or your virtual device and start it.

  2. Download and install Instagram apk on your device.

  3. Open Instagram app (wait a few seconds) and close it.
    It's important to run Instagram app once, before start patching!

  4. Download the patched file (ARM - x86) and push it to the device:
    ARM: adb push /data/data/
    x86: adb push /data/data/

  5. Open Instagram app again (wait a few seconds) and close it.

  6. Run Burp Suite with /<JDK Installation path>/bin/java -jar burpsuite_community.jar and setting up proxy on your Android device.
    You must set the proxy in this step
    You should install Burp Suite certificate on your Android device

  7. That's it! Now open the Instagram app and intercept the requests in Burp Suite !

Instagram Signature Key for ARM and x86

  • v117. a86109795736d73c9a94172cd9b736917d7d94ca61c9101164894b3f0d43bef4
  • v130. f0bdfd5332d66a64d5e04965e6a7ade67c4e2cfc57ea38f0083c0400640a5e20


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Bypass Instagram SSL Pinning on Android







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