Bypass Instagram SSL Pinning on Android (ARM and x86
) Version
Latest version of JDK (Download)
Burp Suite v1.7.36 (*.jar version) (Download)
!!! Please DON'T USE CHARLES, FIDDLER OR MITMPROXY. Only use *.JAR VERSION of Burp Suit and ONLY VERSION 1.7.36, NOT v2 or v2020. And please run it with the LATEST VERSION OF JAVA !!! -
Instagram APK (ARM v117. - x86 v130. - For root method only
Download only from this links, not Google Play or somewhere else -
a rooted Android device (Physical or virtual) - For root method only
Genymotion Android 8+ recommended.
Genymotion virtual devices is x86 and rooted by default. -
ADB (Download) - For root method only
Genymotion will install ADB automatically and you can find it on<Genymotion Installation path>/tools
Download and install patched APK (ARM - x86). (ARM on physical device or ARM on Genymotion Android 8-Oreo with ARM Translation recommended!)
1.2. For x86 only, Open Instagram app (wait a few seconds) and close it.
It's important to run Instagram app once, before setting the proxy! -
Run Burp Suite with
/<JDK Installation path>/bin/java -jar burpsuite_community.jar
and setting up proxy on your Android device.
You should install Burp Suite certificate on your Android device -
That's it! Now open the Instagram app on your device and intercept the requests in Burp Suite !
Install Genymotion or your virtual device and start it.
Download and install Instagram apk on your device.
Open Instagram app (wait a few seconds) and close it.
It's important to run Instagram app once, before start patching! -
Download the patched file (ARM - x86) and push it to the device:
ARM:adb push /data/data/
x86:adb push /data/data/
Open Instagram app again (wait a few seconds) and close it.
Run Burp Suite with
/<JDK Installation path>/bin/java -jar burpsuite_community.jar
and setting up proxy on your Android device.
You must set the proxy in this step
You should install Burp Suite certificate on your Android device -
That's it! Now open the Instagram app and intercept the requests in Burp Suite !
- v117.
- v130.
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