The seq2seq-nms module contains the Seq2SeqNMSLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.
Bases: engine.learners.Learner
It can be used to perform single-class non-maximum suppression (NMS) on images (inference) as well as training new seq2seq-nms models. The implementation is based on [1]. The method is set-up for performing NMS on the person-detection task, using the implemention of the SSD detector. The Seq2Seq-NMS method can also be employed for performing single-class NMS, in any class other than human/pedestrian class. In that case the method needs to be trained from scratch. Finally, a pretrained-model can be employed for evaluation or inference on the same class that it was trained with, using RoIs from a different detector than the one used in the training. In that case, we advise to fine-tune the Seq2Seq-nms pretrained model using RoIs from the detector, deployed in the inference/evaluation of the method, in order to achieve the highest possible performance.
The Seq2SeqNMSLearner class has the following public methods:
Seq2SeqNMSLearner(self, lr, epochs, device, temp_path, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, log_after, variant,
iou_filtering, dropout, app_feats, fmod_map_type, fmod_map_bin, app_input_dim)
Constructor parameters:
- lr: float, default=0.0001
Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training. - epochs: int, default=8
Specifies the number of epochs to be used during training. - device: {'cuda', 'cpu'}, default='cuda'
Specifies the device to be used. - temp_path: str, default='./temp'
Specifies a path to be used for storage of checkpoints during training. - checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0
Specifies the epoch interval between checkpoints during training. If set to 0 no checkpoint will be saved. - checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
Specifies the epoch to load a saved checkpoint from. If set to 0 no checkpoint will be loaded. - log_after: int, default=500
Specifies interval (in iterations/batches) between information logging on stdout. - variant: {'light', 'medium', 'full'}, default='medium'
Specifies the variant of seq2seq-nms model. - iou_filtering: float, default=0.8
Specifies the IoU threshold used for filtering RoIs before provided by the seq2seq-nms model. If set to values <0 or >1, no filtering is applied. - dropout: float, default=0.025
Specifies the dropout rate. - app_feats: {'fmod', 'zeros', 'custom'}, default='fmod'
Specifies the type of the appearance-based features of RoIs used in the model. - fmod_map_type: {'EDGEMAP', 'FAST', 'AKAZE', 'BRISK', 'ORB'}, default='EDGEMAP'
Specifies the type of maps used by FMoD, in the case where app_feats='fmod'. - fmod_map_bin: bool, default=True
Specifies whether FMoD maps are binary or not, in the case where app_feats='fmod'. - app_input_dim: int, default=None
Specifies the dimension of appearance-based RoI features. In the case where app_feats='fmod', the corresponding dimension is automatically computed., dataset, logging_path, logging_flush_secs, silent, verbose, nms_gt_iou, max_dt_boxes, datasets_folder, use_ssd)
This method is used to train the algorithm on a Dataset_NMS
Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding the training process.
- dataset: {'PETS', 'COCO'}
Specifies the name of the dataset among those available from training. - logging_path: str, default=None
Path to save log files. If set to None, only the console will be used for logging. - logging_flush_secs: int, default=30
How often, in seconds, to flush the TensorBoard data to disk. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of training progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True
If True, enables maximum verbosity. - nms_gt_iou: float, default=0.5
Specifies the threshold used to determine whether a detection RoI must be suppressed or not based on its IoU with the image's ground-truth RoIs. - max_dt_boxes: int, default=500
Specifies the maximum number of RoIs provided to seq2Seq-nms model as input. - datasets_folder: str, default='./datasets'
Specifies the path to the folder where the datasets are stored. - use_ssd: bool, default=False
If set to True, RoIs from SSD are fed to the seq2Seq-nms model. Otherwise, RoIs from the default detector of the specified dataset are used as input.
Seq2SeqNMSLearner.eval(self, dataset, split, verbose, max_dt_boxes, datasets_folder, use_ssd)
Performs evaluation on a set of dataset.
- dataset: {'PETS', 'COCO'}
Specifies the name of the dataset among those available from training. - split: {'train', 'val', 'test'} default='test'
Specifies the set of the corresponding dataset where the evaluation will be performed. - verbose: bool, default=True
If True, enables maximum verbosity. - max_dt_boxes: int, default=500
Specifies the maximum number of RoIs provided to seq2Seq-nms model as input. - threshold: float, default=0.0
Specifies the confidence threshold, used for RoI selection after seq2seq-nms rescoring. - datasets_folder: str, default='./datasets'
Specifies the path to the folder where the datasets are stored. - use_ssd: bool, default=False
If set to True, RoIs from SSD are fed to the seq2Seq-nms model. Otherwise, RoIs from the default detector of the specified dataset are used as input.
Seq2SeqNMSLearner.infer(self, boxes, scores, boxes_sorted, max_dt_boxes, img_res, threshold)
Performs non-maximum suppression, using seq2seq-nms. In the case where FMoD is selected for appearance-based RoI feature computation, FMoD maps are not computed.
- boxes: torch.tensor, default=None
Image coordinates of candidate detection RoIs, expressed as the coordinates of their upper-left and top-down corners (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). For N candidate detection RoIs, the size of the torch.tensor is Nx4. - scores: torch.tensor, default=None
Specifies the scores of the candidate detection RoIs, assigned previously by a detector. For N candidate detection RoIs, the size of the torch.tensor is Nx1. - boxes_sorted: bool, default=False
Specifies whether boxes and scores are sorted based on scores in descending order. - max_dt_boxes: int, default=400
Specifies the maximum number of detection RoIs that are fed as input to seq2seq-nms model. - img_res: [int, int], default=None
Specifies the image resolution expressed as [width, height]. - threshold: float, default=0.1
Specifies the score threshold that will determine which RoIs will be kept after seq2seq-nms rescoring.
Seq2SeqNMSLearner.run_nms(self, boxes, scores, img, threshold, boxes_sorted, top_k)
Performs non-maximum suppression, using seq2seq-nms. It incorporates the full pipeline needed for inference, including the FMoD's edge/interest-point map computation step.
- boxes: numpy.ndarray, default=None
Image coordinates of candidate detection RoIs, expressed as the coordinates of their upper-left and top-down corners (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). For N candidate detection RoIs, the size of the array is Nx4. - scores: numpy.ndarray, default=None
Specifies the scores of the candidate detection RoIs, assigned previously by a detector. For N candidate detection RoIs, the size of the array is Nx1. - boxes_sorted: bool, default=False
Specifies whether boxes and scores are sorted based on scores in descending order. - top_k: int, default=400
Specifies the maximum number of detection RoIs that are fed as input to seq2seq-nms model. - img: object
Object of type - threshold: float, default=0.1
Specifies the score threshold that will determine which RoIs will be kept after seq2seq-nms rescoring., path, verbose, optimizer, scheduler, current_epoch, max_dt_boxes)
Saves a model in OpenDR format at the specified path.
- path: str
Specifies the folder where the model will be saved. - verbose: bool default=False
If True, enables maximum verbosity. - optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer default=None
Specifies the optimizer used for training. - scheduler: torch.optim.lr_scheduler default=None
Specifies the learning rate scheduler used for training. - current_epoch: int, default=None
Specifies the number of epochs the model has been trained. - max_dt_boxes: int, default=400
Specifies the maximum number of detection RoIs that are fed as input to seq2seq-nms model.
Seq2SeqNMSLearner.load(self, path, verbose)
Loads a model which was previously saved in OpenDR format at the specified path.
- path: str
Specifies the folder where the model will be loaded from. - verbose: bool default=False
If True, enables maximum verbosity., path, model_name, verbose, url)
Downloads pretrained models of seq2seq-nms.
Downloads data needed for the various functions of the learner, e.g., pretrained models as well as test data.
- path: str, default=None
Specifies the folder where data will be downloaded. If None, the self.temp_path directory is used instead. - model_name: {'seq2seq_medium_pets_jpd_fmod_3', 'seq2seq_medium_pets_ssd_fmod_3', 'seq2seq_medium_coco_frcn_fmod_3', 'seq2seq_medium_pets_ssd_fmod_3'}, default=''seq2seq_medium_pets_jpd_fmod_3'
If 'pretrained', downloads a pretrained detector model. If 'images', downloads an image to perform inference on. If 'test_data' downloads a dummy dataset for testing purposes. - verbose: bool default=True
If True, enables maximum verbosity. - url: str, default=OpenDR FTP URL
URL of the FTP server.
Training example. To train seq2seq-nms properly, the PETS and COCO datasets are supported as Dataset_NMS types.
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d.nms import Seq2SeqNMSLearner import os OPENDR_HOME = os.environ['OPENDR_HOME'] temp_path = OPENDR_HOME + '/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/seq2seq_nms/tmp' datasets_folder = OPENDR_HOME + '/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/datasets' seq2SeqNMSLearner = Seq2SeqNMSLearner(fmod_map_type='EDGEMAP', iou_filtering=0.8, app_feats='fmod', checkpoint_after_iter=1, temp_path=temp_path, epochs=8)'PETS', use_ssd=False, datasets_folder=datasets_folder, logging_path=os.path.join(temp_path, 'logs'), silent=False, verbose=True, nms_gt_iou=0.50, max_dt_boxes=500)
Inference and result drawing example on a test .jpg image using OpenCV.
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d.nms import Seq2SeqNMSLearner from import Image from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import SingleShotDetectorLearner from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import draw_bounding_boxes import os OPENDR_HOME = os.environ['OPENDR_HOME'] temp_path = OPENDR_HOME + '/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/tmp' seq2SeqNMSLearner = Seq2SeqNMSLearner(fmod_map_type='EDGEMAP', iou_filtering = 0.8, app_feats='fmod', device='cpu', temp_path=temp_path)'seq2seq_pets_jpd_fmod', path=temp_path) seq2SeqNMSLearner.load(os.path.join(temp_path, seq2seq_pets_jpd_fmod), verbose=True) ssd = SingleShotDetectorLearner(device='cuda')".", mode="pretrained") ssd.load("./ssd_default_person", verbose=True) img = + '/projects/python/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/img_temp/frame_0000.jpg') if not isinstance(img, Image): img = Image(img) boxes = ssd.infer(img, threshold=0.25, custom_nms=seq2SeqNMSLearner) draw_bounding_boxes(img.opencv(), boxes, class_names=ssd.classes, show=True)
Evaluation of pretrained model on PETS dataset.
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import Seq2SeqNMSLearner import os OPENDR_HOME = os.environ['OPENDR_HOME'] datasets_folder = OPENDR_HOME + '/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/datasets' temp_path = OPENDR_HOME + '/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_2d/nms/tmp' seq2SeqNMSLearner = Seq2SeqNMSLearner(iou_filtering=0.8, app_feats='fmod', temp_path=temp_path, device='cuda')'seq2seq_pets_jpd_fmod', path=temp_path) seq2SeqNMSLearner.load(os.path.join(temp_path, seq2seq_pets_jpd_fmod), verbose=True) seq2SeqNMSLearner.eval(dataset='PETS', split='test', max_dt_boxes=800, datasets_folder=datasets_folder, use_ssd=False, threshold=0.0)
TABLE-1: Average Precision (AP) achieved by pretrained models on the person detection task on the validation sets. The maximum number or RoIs, employed for the performance evaluation was set to 800.
Pretrained Model | Dataset | Detector | Type of Appearance-based Features | Pre-processing IoU Threshold | [email protected] on validation set | [email protected] on test set |
seq2seq_pets_jpd_fmod | PETS | JPD | FMoD | 0.8 | 80.2% | 84.3% |
seq2seq_pets_ssd_fmod | PETS | SSD | FMoD | 0.8 | 77.4% | 79.1% |
seq2seq_coco_frcn_fmod | COCO | FRCN | FMoD | - | 68.1% * | 67.5% ** |
seq2seq_coco_ssd_fmod | COCO | SSD | FMoD | - | 41.8% * | 42.4% ** |
* The minival set was used as validation set.
** The minitest set was used as test set.
[1] Neural Attention-driven Non-Maximum Suppression for Person Detection, TechRxiv.