BMI160 6 DoF IMU Library for STM32 and addition of Complementary Filter
Board used in project: NUCLEO-G474RE
Detailed information: NUCLEO-G474RE
On common_porting.h file, lines 21 and 27, specify your i2c port structure:
#define I2C_HANDLE (hi2c1)
extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
After that, on main.c file:
Include needed librarys:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bmi160_wrapper.h"
Create instance:
BMI160_t imu_t;
Define needed variables:
float aX_f32, aY_f32, aZ_f32;
float gX_f32, gY_f32, gZ_f32;
Init sensor and wait until init completes.
while (BMI160_init(imu_t) == 1);
if (imu_t.INIT_OK_i8 != TRUE)
Read all sensor data:
Access read data
aX_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Ax_f32;
aY_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Ay_f32;
aZ_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Az_f32;
gX_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gx_f32;
gY_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gy_f32;
gZ_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gz_f32;
There are two variables for Accel and Gyro Sensitivity.
BMI160_Asens and BMI160_Gsens determines the sensitivities at which the sensors will be configured. This is for hardware-based config
BMI160_Ascale and BMI160_Gscale determines the scales which readings will be divided to get g for accel and deg/s for gyro.
uint8_t BMI160_Asens = AFS_2G;
uint8_t BMI160_Gsens = GFS_1000DPS;
uint8_t BMI160_Ascale = AFS_2G;
uint8_t BMI160_Gscale = GFS_1000DPS;
Select the Output data rate and range of accelerometer sensor
sensor.accel_cfg.odr = BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_800HZ;
sensor.accel_cfg.range = BMI160_Ascale_bit;
Select the power mode and bandwidth of accelerometer sensor
sensor.accel_cfg.power = BMI160_ACCEL_NORMAL_MODE; = BMI160_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL_AVG4;
Select the Output data rate and range of Gyroscope sensor
sensor.gyro_cfg.odr = BMI160_GYRO_ODR_800HZ;
sensor.gyro_cfg.range = BMI160_Gscale_bit;
Select the power mode and bandwidth of Gyroscope sensor
sensor.gyro_cfg.power = BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE; = BMI160_GYRO_BW_NORMAL_MODE;
timer_u64 = micros();
// Read and process data at 1000 Hz rate
if ( ((timer_u64 - lastTime_u64) >= 1000) && (imu_t.INIT_OK_i8 != TRUE) ) // && (PIN_LOW == 1))
aX_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Ax_f32; // Read scaled acceleration values from all 3 axes, unit: (g)
aY_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Ay_f32; //
aZ_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Az_f32; //
gX_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gx_f32 * 0.001f; // Read scaled gyro values from all 3 axes, unit: (deg/s)
gY_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gy_f32 * 0.001f; // 0.001 is 1 ms which is represents 1000 Hz rate
gZ_f32 = imu_t.BMI160_Gz_f32 * 0.001f; // Multiply readings with calculation period for integration
gyro_pitch_f32 += gX_f32; // integrate gyro readings for pitch and roll calculation
gyro_roll_f32 += gY_f32;
gyro_pitch_f32 += gyro_roll_f32 * sin(gZ_f32 * 0.01745329f); // correct pitch andy roll readings with respect to Z axis readings
gyro_roll_f32 -= gyro_pitch_f32 * sin(gZ_f32 * 0.01745329f); // sin function accepts radians, 0.01745329 = pi / 180
acc_total_vector_f32 = sqrt((aX_f32*aX_f32)+(aY_f32*aY_f32)+(aZ_f32*aZ_f32)); // Calculate total acceleration vector
accel_pitch_f32 = asin(aY_f32/acc_total_vector_f32) * 57.296f; // Calculate pitch and roll respect to acceleration readings
accel_roll_f32 = asin(aX_f32/acc_total_vector_f32) * -57.296f;
accel_pitch_f32 -= 0.0f; // Corrections for acceleration calculations.
accel_roll_f32 -= 0.0f; // Leave 0 if accel values are ~0.0 when resting
// initial pitch and roll readings should be aceel-based
gyro_pitch_f32 = gyro_pitch_f32 * 0.999f + accel_pitch_f32 * 0.001f; // to calculate final pitch and roll, we get most of
gyro_roll_f32 = gyro_roll_f32 * 0.999f + accel_roll_f32 * 0.001f; // gyro readings and small amount of accel readings
gyro_pitch_f32 = accel_pitch_f32;
gyro_roll_f32 = accel_roll_f32;
set_gyro_angles_u8 = 1;
// integrate calculated pitch and roll with previous values
pitch_f32 = pitch_f32 * 0.75f + gyro_pitch_f32 * 0.25f;
roll_f32 = roll_f32 * 0.75f + gyro_roll_f32 * 0.25f;
lastTime_u64 = micros();