This React Native app serves as a Pokedex, fetching data from the PokéAPI to display Pokémon and their details, including images and types. It features a home screen with an infinite scroll list of Pokémon and a detail screen for each Pokémon.
Create a new React Native project using the following command:
npx react-native init PokedexApp --template react-native-template-typescript
Create and push to a private GitHub repository using the following commands:
git init && git config '[email protected]' && git branch -M main && gh repo create --private --source=. --remote=upstream && gh repo set-default && git add --all && git commit -m "Initial commit" && git remote add origin [email protected]:ibraheem4/PokedexApp.git && git push -u origin main && gh browse
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:ibraheem4/PokedexApp.git
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Start the application:
Choose the appropriate command based on your target platform from the usage section below.
Navigate to the directory and run one of the following yarn commands based on your target platform:
cd PokedexApp
yarn android # for Android
yarn ios # for iOS
yarn web # for web
- Infinite Scrolling List: Browse through a list of Pokémon that loads more as you scroll.
- Pokémon Details: Click on any Pokémon to view more detailed information including its image and types.
- Images and Types: Each Pokémon's image and types are displayed on both the home screen and detail screen.