IBM SecretShare Operator is an Operator to Share Secrets and ConfigMaps between namespaces.
The SecretShare operator and accompanying Custom Resource watches secrets and config maps in a namespace, copying the ones specified in the SecretShare CR to other namespaces, and optionally, to other names in those namespaces.
An example SecretShare CR specification is shown below:
kind: SecretShare
name: common-services
namespace: ibm-common-services
# Secrets to share for adopter compatibility to Common Services 3.2.4
- secretname: icp-management-ingress-tls-secret
- namespace: kube-system
- namespace: kube-system
name: route-tls-secret
- secretname: icp-metering-api-secret
- namespace: kube-system
- secretname: oauth-client-secret
- namespace: services
- secretname: ibmcloud-cluster-ca-cert
- namespace: kube-public
# ConfigMaps to share for adopter compatibility to Common Services 3.2.4
- configmapname: oauth-client-map
- namespace: services
- configmapname: ibm-cloud-info
- namespace: kube-system
- configmapname: ibmcloud-cluster-info
- namespace: kube-public
- configmapname: common-web-ui-config
- namespace: kube-system
- configmapname: common-web-ui-log4js
- namespace: kube-system
In this example, a SecretShare custom resource named common-services would be created in the ibm-common-services namespace.
The operator watches all secrets and configmaps in the namespace and creates or updates copies (if they are changed) to the namespaces and (optionally) names specified in the CR. The specification above would cause the following to be done by the operator (thsi list is not complete, but an example from which you can get the behavior):
- The secret named icp-management-ingress-tls-secret, if/when found, would be copied into namespace kube-system.
- The secret named icp-management-ingress-tls-secret, if/when found, would be copied into namespace kube-system with the name route-tls-secret.
- The secret named icp-metering-api-secret, if/when found, would be copied into namespace kube-system.
- The configmap named ibm-cloud-info, if/when found, would be copied into namespace kube-public.
The operator watches the SecretShare CR, as well as all secrets and configmaps, so changes in any of these cause the CR to re-evaluate and copy changes as needed.
If the target namespace for a copy does not exist, the SecretShare operator will create the namespace before copying the Secret or ConfigMap