Original article at: Executing JavaScript Within Java With Mozilla Rhino
If you need your Java project to be more dynamic, take a look at Rhino. Developed by Mozilla, Rhino allows you to execute and interact with JavaScript code from within Java. Here I'll show you an example of how you can take a Java object and modify that object using JavaScript!
Here is our Stock object that will model information necessary for us to determine if it is undervalued:
package com.iankwalter.rhinostockexample;
* Models a Stock for the purpose of this example.
* @author Ian Kennington Walter
public class Stock {
Double netIncome;
Double totalDebt;
Double totalCash;
Double marketCap;
boolean isUndervalued;
public Double getNetIncome() {
return netIncome;
public void setNetIncome(Double netIncome) {
this.netIncome = netIncome;
public Double getTotalDebt() {
return totalDebt;
public void setTotalDebt(Double totalDebt) {
this.totalDebt = totalDebt;
public Double getTotalCash() {
return totalCash;
public void setTotalCash(Double totalCash) {
this.totalCash = totalCash;
public Double getMarketCap() {
return marketCap;
public void setMarketCap(Double marketCap) {
this.marketCap = marketCap;
public boolean isUndervalued() {
return isUndervalued;
public void setUndervalued(boolean undervalued) {
isUndervalued = undervalued;
Here is some JavaScript code that will evaluate whether a Stock is undervalued:
var earnings = stock.getNetIncome() * 10;
earnings += (stock.getTotalCash() - stock.getTotalDebt());
if (earnings > stock.getMarketCap()) {
} else {
Here is the Java code that will create the Stock object and perform the evaluation of that Stock using Rhino:
package com.iankwalter.rhinostockexample;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
* An example of how to use Mozilla Rhino to execute JavaScript within Java
* @author Ian Kennington Walter
public class EvaluateStock {
* Evaluates whether a Stock is undervalued based on logic within a JS script
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define evaluation JavaScript. Typically this would be stored in a file or a database.
String evaluationScript =
"var earnings = stock.getNetIncome() * 10; " +
"earnings += (stock.getTotalCash() - stock.getTotalDebt()); " +
"if (earnings > stock.getMarketCap()) { " +
" stock.setUndervalued(true); " +
"} else { " +
" stock.setUndervalued(false); " +
"} ";
// Create a Stock object to evaluate.
Stock stock = new Stock();
// Create and enter a Context. A Context stores information about the execution environment of a script.
Context cx = Context.enter();
try {
// Initialize the standard objects (Object, Function, etc.). This must be done before scripts can be
// executed. The null parameter tells initStandardObjects
// to create and return a scope object that we use
// in later calls.
Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
// Pass the Stock Java object to the JavaScript context
Object wrappedStock = Context.javaToJS(stock, scope);
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "stock", wrappedStock);
// Execute the script
cx.evaluateString(scope, evaluationScript, "EvaluationScript", 1, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
// Exit the Context. This removes the association between the Context and the current thread and is an
// essential cleanup action. There should be a call to exit for every call to enter.
// Output whether the stock was determined to be undervalued.
System.out.println("Is stock undervalued?");
Is stock undervalued?