This proyect was developed in the summer of 2016 as a proyect for the NEON 2016 Internship position of the Data Products Department. It is intended to help in the accesibility to the NEON data. Feel free to copy it, modify it, and share it.
You need the R language and the following packages to run the Shiny aaplication:
- shiny
- DT
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- readr
- reshape2
- RColorBrewer
- rgdal
- gridExtra
- sp
- lubridate
- spatstat
- SpatialEpi
- maps
- leaflet
- devtools
- randomcoloR
- ggmap
- nneo
- easypackages
Ian Flores: [email protected]
Christine Laney: [email protected]
Claire Lunch: [email protected]
NEON is a continental-scale ecological observation facility, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and operated by Battelle, that gathers and synthesizes data on the impacts of climate change, land use change and invasive species on natural resources and biodiversity.