"QR" stands for "Quick Response", which refers to the instant access to the information hidden in the Code. The QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, known from product packaging in the supermarket. Originally developed for process optimization in the logistics of the automotive industry, the QR Code has found its way into mobile marketing with the widespread adoption of smartphones
As we all know, QR Code is used to share information or content. There are many apps that uses QR Code to share information. For eg: Twitter and Snapchat uses QR code to add User. And the other apps like Paytm , PhonePe uses it to, or make easy to, transfer money.
We can use them when required.Also, QR Code is the fastest way to share information.
Today we will learn ‘How to create QR Code in Swift’. Initially we will start with basic QR Code which provide you a blank and white QR Code and later we will add Custom Logo and Color.
To generate QR Code in swift, we use Core Image Filter and CIQRCodeGenerator. It generates a plain black and white QR for the given input string.
guard let qrFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") else { return nil }
let qrData = absoluteString.data(using: String.Encoding.ascii)
qrFilter.setValue(qrData, forKey: "inputMessage")
let qrTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 12, y: 12)
let qrCode = qrFilter.outputImage?.transformed(by: qrTransform)
A QR code is often linking to a URL. Therefore, it’s nice to create an extension on URL
as well.
extension URL {
var qrCode: CIImage? {
guard let qrFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") else { return nil }
let qrData = absoluteString.data(using: String.Encoding.ascii)
qrFilter.setValue(qrData, forKey: "inputMessage")
let qrTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 12, y: 12)
return qrFilter.outputImage?.transformed(by: qrTransform)
and that can be used as:
let qrCode = URL(string: "https://codalien.com")?.qrCode
Till now, we have successfully generated QR Code, a simple black and white QR code. Lets move forward and customize QR code.
There are basically three steps to change the color of QR Code
- We need to invert the black and white color.
- After inverting colors we will mask the black color to transparent
- Apply the given color as a tint color.
As you see in above code, we are using CIImage and returning qrCode in CIImage format. So, to make it easy we create all these functions in CIIMage extension.
extension CIImage {
var transparent: CIImage? {
return inverted?.blackTransparent
var inverted: CIImage? {
guard let invertedColorFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIColorInvert") else { return nil }
invertedColorFilter.setValue(self, forKey: "inputImage")
return invertedColorFilter.outputImage
var blackTransparent: CIImage? {
guard let blackTransparentCIFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIMaskToAlpha") else { return nil }
blackTransparentCIFilter.setValue(self, forKey: "inputImage")
return blackTransparentCIFilter.outputImage
func tinted(using color: UIColor) -> CIImage?
let transparentQRImage = transparent,
let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIMultiplyCompositing"),
let colorFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIConstantColorGenerator") else { return nil }
let ciColor = CIColor(color: color)
colorFilter.setValue(ciColor, forKey: kCIInputColorKey)
let colorImage = colorFilter.outputImage
filter.setValue(colorImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
filter.setValue(transparentQRImage, forKey: kCIInputBackgroundImageKey)
return filter.outputImage!
and that can be used as:
let codalienColor = UIColor(red:0.0, green:0.0, blue:0.0, alpha:1.00)
let qrCode = URL(string: "https://codalien.com")?.qrCode?.tinted(using: codalienColor)
QR code has a feature called error correction. Error correction allows us to change or replace a part of QR Code. With the help of this feature we will replace a certain part with our logo.
We will create a new function inside CIImage extension. This function will takes our logo and return CIImage. This would be the final image of QR Code. Basically it is the combination of our logo and QR Code.
func addLogo(with image: CIImage) -> CIImage? {
guard let combinedFilter = CIFilter(name: "CISourceOverCompositing") else { return nil }
let centerTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: extent.midX - (image.extent.size.width / 2), y: extent.midY - (image.extent.size.height / 2))
combinedFilter.setValue(image.transformed(by: centerTransform), forKey: "inputImage")
combinedFilter.setValue(self, forKey: "inputBackgroundImage")
return combinedFilter.outputImage!
and that's it, we have successfully customized our QR Code with our logo and color.
A complete version of this code can be found on Github here. It’s a Playground to allow you to play around and create your own custom QR code.