this project is a code implementation of a finite state machine, the vending machine. in this simple project we use the Model View Controller (MVC) Architectural Pattern as a basic reference in making code. it was developed as part of coding assignment in discrete structure class. this project is also made so that students can better understand the finite state machine material.
- Vending Machine implementation using Finite State Machine
- GUI with swing
- Vending machine with 2 payment methods, cash and QR
- Vending machine cannot return change, extra balance is stays on the machine
in this project, we used primarily Java 19.0.2 with Gradle 8.4.
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Clone the Repository
- Navigate to the Project Directory
- Compile the Java Code (also gradle build first!)
- Run the Application
If you only interested to run the program without java installed, consider run our .exe file here
Michael William Iswadi
Lintang Kastara Erlangga
The acronym "sazlm" in our project package are represents our group and is derived from the names Shawn, Alex, Zakki, Lintang, and Michael.