Yes ... only if necessary, but ... Irene Kills!
- Table of content
- 📝 About The Project
- Prerequisites
- Install
- Usage
- Run tests
- Author
- Contributors
- Show your support
- License
Irene Kills is a library written in TypeScript that allows you to easily manage the application life-cycle. We created this library to build applications that respect cloud native principles and to find a standard and tested way to manage the life cycle of our microservices.
IK - goals It allows you to create applications that are resilient, able to detect changes in the system, detect errors and react accordingly, for example by killing itself or going into a sick state.
Ensures that when the application is in a "healthy" state it is actually ready to respond. If an error occurs in the system that could affect the operation of the application, the application will notice the change and change its status.
- node >= 16.13 <17
npm install @iad-os/irene-kills
Instantiate and configure examples:
import { IreneKills } from '@iad-os/irene-kills';
import { introspectCredentials } from '../main-auth';
import * as dbService from '../main-db';
import * as apiService from '../main-http';
import log from '../config/log';
const irene = new IreneKills({ logger: log({ tags: ['ik'] }) });
irene.resource<{ logger: ReturnType<typeof log> }>('database', {
value: { logger: log({ tags: ['db'] }) },
need: async ({ value: { logger } }) => {'⏳ initialize db connection');
await dbService.start();
return { logger };
check: async ({ value: { logger } }) => {
try {
await dbService.checkDb();'✅ OK check db connection');
return true;
} catch (err) {
logger.error({ error: err }, '💥 KO check db connection');
return false;
on: {
healthcheck: async () => {
await dbService.checkDb();
return { healthy: true, kill: false };
irene.resource('http', {
activate: async () => {
try {
await apiService.start();
log({ tags: ['server'] }).info('✅ Application started');
return { kill: false, healthy: true };
} catch (err) {
return { kill: true, healthy: false };
irene.resource<{ logger: ReturnType<typeof log> }>('oidc', {
value: { logger: log({ tags: ['odic'] }) },
check: async ({ value: { logger } }) => {
try {
await introspectCredentials();`✅ OK Credentials`);
return true;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(error, `💥 KO Credentials`);
return false;
export default irene;
Wake up Irene in main.ts
.finally(() =>
log({ tags: ['wakeup', 'application', 'status'] }).info(
`⚙️ APPLICATION STATUS -> ${irene.mood()}`
Current application status:
Trigger healthcheck:
For more examples check under __test__
npm run test
👤 Daniele Fiungo [email protected]
- Github: @danielefiungo
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Licensed under the APLv2. See the LICENSE file for details.
Made with ❤️ by IAD