- 基于C#开发,启动后会自动搜索安卓设备。
- 图形化界面,方便操作
- 因为经费有限,暂时没有做多设备同时连接的处理
- 暂时只支持连接单个设备
- 本质上还是基于ADB进行操作,响应速度比较慢
- 运行该程序的机器需要支持.NET Core 3.1
- 经费有限,没有美化界面
Based on C#, it will automatically search for Android devices after startup.
With graphical interface, easy to operate
Due to limited funds, there is no simultaneous connection of multiple equipment
For the time being, only connect to a single device
The operation is still based on ADB in essence, and the response time is slow (To be honest,it's sick.)
The machine running this program needs support. NET Core 3.1
No beautification of the interface