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Upgrade Guide

Miquel edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 8 revisions

Upgrading to iProov.iOS v11.0.0 and iProov.Android v9.0.1

Changes on iOS

IProov.LaunchWithStreamingURL now requires the streamingUrl to be provided as a NSUrl.

IProov.LaunchWithStreamingURL(new NSUrl(Credentials.BASE_URL), token, options,

Changed API to U.S. English spelling of "Canceled"

The following U.S. English naming conventions have been adopted. References to Cancelled have been changed to Canceled for both platforms.


IProov.LaunchWithStreamingURL(new NSUrl(Credentials.BASE_URL), token, options,
   canceled: (canceler) =>
     BTProgressHUD.ShowToast($"Canceled by {canceler}", maskType: MaskType.Black);


IProov.Canceller now becomes IProov.Canceler, and the onCancelled method from IProovCallbackLauncher.IListener now becomes onCanceled.

public void OnCanceled(IProov.Canceler canceler)
     var canceledBy = canceler.Name();

Upgrading to iProov.iOS v10.1.3 and iProov.Android v8.3.1

If your connection does not use a reverse proxy then our default pinned certificates become invalid on 9th Dec 2023.

All apps will no longer be able to use iProov without this update.

Don't worry, even if you are using a reverse proxy or don't know, this update will not affect that, so you can add the version safely either way.

These patch versions simply have a new certificate added to our default certificates, which extends your uninterrupted service until 2027.

iProov.iOS: Upgrading to v10.0

The changes in the native SDK apply to Xamarin. Consult the native upgrade here.

iProov.Android: Upgrading to v8.0

The changes in the native SDK apply to Xamarin. Consult the native upgrade guide here.

iProov.iOS: Upgrading to v9.0

Consult the native upgrade here.

The changes which apply to Objective-C class names also apply to Xamarin (e.g. Options is now IPOptions, etc).

iProov.Android: Upgrading to v7.0

Consult the native upgrade guide here.

iProov.Android: Upgrading from v5.0.0 to v5.1.0

Launching the SDK

The Launch() method in 5.0.0 which passed the listener as the final parameter has been deprecated in favor of a Launch() method without the listener. All other parameters remain the same, You must now register the listener with a call to IProov.RegisterListener(listener) in your Activity OnCreate() method, and call IProov.UnregisterListener() in OnDestroy(). Consult the README for further details.

Logo image API change

Options.Ui.LogoImage has been removed and replaced with two new options:

  • Options.Ui.LogoImageResource - pass a drawable resource ID
  • Options.Ui.LogoImageDrawable - pass a drawable directly