- Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensors
- Basic Operations on Linear algebra
- Norms
- Linear Combinations, Span, Linear Independence
- Cosine Similarity
- Helps in solving problems of optimizing the Machine Learning model
- Real World problems use calculus for many operations
- Partial Derivatives
- Differentiation
- Derivatives
- Chain Rule
- Directional Derivative and the Gradient
- Applications of Differential Calculus
- Double integrals
- Triple Integrals
- Changing Variables
- Parametrized Curve
- Length of the Curve
- Parameterized Surfaces
- Surface Area of Parameterized Surfaces
- Vector Field Basics
- Vector Operators
- Represented by Del operator and Greek Nabla symbol
- Line Integral
- Surface Integral
- Gradient Theorem for Line Integrals
- Green’s Theorem
- Stokes’ Theorem
- Divergence Theorem