This project contains a ready-to-use Kubernetes playground. It uses Vagrant and Ansible to start k8s on 3 nodes and deploy ZooKeeper, Kafka, Prometheus Operator, Kafka Exporter, and two golang applications (Consumer and Producer).
Ansible playbook is not idempotent, please consider running it only once. The next attempts will fail.
You need the following installed to use this playground:
, tested with version 2.2.14VirtualBox
, tested with Version 6.1
├─ cmd
│ ├─ consumer // Main package for consumer
│ └─ producer // Main package for producer
├─ deployment // k8s manifests for consumer and producer
├─ internal // Internal packages for applications (by golang convention)
│ ├─ bussiness // Business logic of applications
│ └─ infrastructure // Application infrastructure code
└─ vagrant // Contains a Vagrantfile
└─ provision // Contains a Ansible playbooks for k8s cluster and management machine
└─ manifests // k8s manifests for kafka, zookepeer, prometheus, etc
publishes a current timestamp into input
topic every 5 seconds (value by default).
reads timestamp from input
topic, converts it into date in RFC3339 format then publishes it into output
Github Actions are invoked on every commit to handle code linting, tests, and code coverage. The release creation triggers build action. It builds docker image and pushes it to the Github Container Registry.
To bring up the cluster, clone this repository to a working directory.
git clone
Change into the working directory and run vagrant up
cd k8s-playground/vagrant
vagrant up
After the command is complete, you can connect to the management
machine and wait for a few minutes until all pods are started.
You can check the status by running the following commands:
vagrant ssh management
kubectl get pods -o wide -A
To check that the consumer and producer are working properly you need to connect to the management
machine and execute the following command:
kubectl exec -i -t kafka-0 -- kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic output --from-beginning
If the screen displays dates in RFC3339 format with an interval of 5 seconds (by default), then everything works correctly:
To access the grafana dashboards, you need to set up port forwarding as follows:
vagrant ssh management
kubectl port-forward `kubectl get pods -l app=grafana -n monitoring -o name` --address 3000:3000 -n monitoring &
After that you can access grafana by going to the following address: In addition to Kubernetes dashboards, you will find a dashboard with consumer and producer metrics, as well as a Kafka dashboard.
Login: admin Password: admin
Same for Prometheus:
vagrant ssh management
kubectl port-forward prometheus-k8s-0 --address 9090:9090 -n monitoring &
Prometheus web interface will be available at
- Idempotent Ansible Playbooks
- Linting for Ansible Playbooks (ansible-lint)
- Split Ansible Playbooks into roles and tasks
- Testing for Ansible Playbooks (Molecule)
- Parametrize kubernetes manifests with helm or kustomize
- Collect metrics from JMX
- Add more metrics for consumer and producer