- Async FastAPI
- Async SQLAlchemy ORM
- async_scoped_session (you can access session by global variable)
poetry install
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app
Session will be started automatically on a first request to database: commit, query, delete, etc
from fastapi import FastAPI
from app import db, models
app = FastAPI()
async def create_todo():
todo = models.Todo()
# new session will be created automatically here
# and will be removed automatically by SQLAlchemyMiddleware
await db.session.commit()
Web Server Web Framework SQLAlchemy ORM Code
-------------- -------------- ------------------------------
startup -> Web framework # Session registry is established
initializes # file: app/db.py
AsyncSessionFactory = sessionmaker(
session = async_scoped_session(
web request -> web request -> # SQLAlchemyMiddleware create new scoped context.
# That do nothing with ORM and the database itself,
# it's just a marker for SQLAlchemy to create a new
# instance of AsyncSession if some make some query
# using `session` created during startup.
# file: app/middlewares.py
with session_scope.set_scoped_context():
# the Session registry can otherwise
# be used at any time, creating the
# request-local AsyncSession() if not present,
# or returning the existing one
# file: app/main.py
await db.session.query(MyClass) # ...
await db.session..add(some_object) # ...
# if data was modified, commit the
# transaction
await db.session.commit()
web request ends -> # SQLAlchemyMiddleware at the end of the request
# removes a session from the registry. Also
# context manager `with session_scope.set_scoped_context()`
# removes the indicator created at the beginning of
# the request.
# file: app/middlewares.py
sends output <-
outgoing web <-