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@ferologics ferologics released this 21 Aug 18:41
· 11 commits to master since this release


Example use for worker clock in:

func handlePresence(
  _ isInsideResult: Result<Bool, HyperTrackLocationError>
) {
  switch isInsideResult {
  case .success(let isInside):
    if isInside {
      // allow worker to clock in for the shift
    } else {
      // "to clock in you must be at order destination"
  case .failure(let error):
    // resolve any tracking errors to obtain geofence presence

// check if a worker is inside an order's geofence

// or, listen to order.isInsideGeofence changes
HyperTrack.subscribeToOrders { orders in
  • Added partial support for Motion Activity
    • Our SDK doesn’t ask for motion permission
    • For SDK 5.7.0 and above, NSMotionUsageDescription in your Info.plist is required (even if permission is not asked).


  • Changed the OrderStatus enum to a struct to support future cases without introducing API breaking changes