W3C Web of Things implementation on NodeJS.
Visit http://www.thingweb.io for a hands-on tutorial or additional information.
Useful labels: question
Dual-licensed under both
Pick one of these two licenses that fits your needs. Please also see the additional notices and how to contribute.
All systems require:
- NodeJS version 10+ (e.g., 10.13.0 LTS)
Meet the node-gyp requirements:
- Python 2.7 (v3.x.x is not supported)
- make
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC
Install the Windows build tools through a CMD shell as administrator:
npm install -g --production windows-build-tools
Meet the node-gyp requirements:
xcode-select --install
To use node-wot as a browser-side JavaScript Library, the browser needs to support ECMAScript 2015. Supported browsers include:
- Microsoft Edge 15 and later
- Firefox 54 and later
- Chrome 58 and later
- Safari 10 and later
Using a browser with only ES5 support (eg. IE 11) might be possible if you add polyfills.
If you want to use node-wot as a library in your Node.js application, you can use npm to install the node-wot packages that you need. To do so, cd
inside you application folder, and run:
npm install @node-wot/core
npm install @node-wot/binding-coap
Alternatively you can add @node-wot/<package-name>
as a dependency to your package.json
If you want to develop applications for node-wot, you can use the command-line interface to run and debug your local scripts. First, install the CLI module as a dev-dependency:
npm install @node-wot/cli --save-dev
Then to start .js
files in the current directory use the following command wot-servient
(or node packages\cli\dist\cli.js
For example, if you want to run a specific file or a list of files just append the file paths:
wot-servient script1.js ./src/script2.js
Finally, to debug use the option --inspect
or --inspect-brk
if you want to hang until your debug client is connected. Then start Chrome Dev Tools or vscode debugger or your preferred v8 inspector to debug your code.
For further details check: wot-servient --help
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/eclipse/thingweb.node-wot
Go into the repository:
cd thingweb.node-wot
Install root dependencies (locally installs tools such as typescript and lerna):
npm install
Use tsc
to transcompile TS code to JS in dist directory for each package:
Note: This step automatically calls npm run bootstrap
npm run build
Make all packages available on your local machine (as symlinks). You can then use each package in its local version via npm link <module>
instead of npm install <module>
(see also https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link).
sudo npm run link
(On Windows omit sudo
To evolve the Scripting API in development, you need to use a locally changed version of the wot-typescript-definitions. Use npm link for this as well:
git clone https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/
cd wot-scripting-api/typescript/
sudo npm link
(On Windows omit sudo
In each node-wot package, link the local version made available in the previous step:
sudo npm link wot-typescript-definitions
(On Windows omit sudo
To reduce the size of the installation from about 800 MByte down to about 200 MByte, you can run the following commands (currently only tested on Linux):
- yarn init
- yarn add [packages]
- npm run build
- lerna init
- lerna exec 'npm prune --production'
- Build error around
- node-gyp has been seen failing on MacOS
- try node 10+, which does not require the crypto polyfill
- Build error about
No matching version found for @node-wot/...
or something aboutmatch
- try
npm run unlock
from project root before building
- try
sudo npm run link
does not work- try
npm run unlock
from project root before calling[sudo] npm run link
- try
npm link
in each package directory in this order: td-tools, core, binding-*, cli, demo-servients
- try
Node-wot can also be imported as browser-side library. To do so, include the following script
tag in your html:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@node-wot/browser-bundle@latest/dist/wot-bundle.min.js"></script>
In the browser, node wot only works in client mode with limited binding support. Supported bindings: HTTP / HTTPS / WebSockets You can access all node-wot functionality through the "Wot" global object:
var servient = new Wot.Core.Servient();
var client = new Wot.Http.HttpClient();
Run all the steps above including "Link Packages" and then run this:
wot-servient -h
cd examples/scripts
Without the "Link Packages" step, the wot-servient
command is not available and node
needs to be used (e.g., Windows CMD shell):
# expose
node packages\cli\dist\cli.js examples\scripts\counter.js
# consume
node packages\cli\dist\cli.js --clientonly examples\scripts\counter-client.js
- Go to http://localhost:8080/counter and you'll find a thing description
- Query the count by http://localhost:8080/counter/properties/count
- Modify the count via POST on http://localhost:8080/counter/actions/increment and http://localhost:8080/counter/actions/decrement
- Application logic is in
An example of how to use node-wot as a browser-side library can be found under examples/browser/index.html
To run it, open examples/browser/index.html
in a modern browser, and consume the test Thing available under http://plugfest.thingweb.io:8083/TestThing
to interact with it.
The JavaScript code that uses node-wot as a library to power this application can be found under: examples/browser/index.js
This library implements the WoT Scripting API:
- Editors Draft in master
- Working Draft corresponding to node-wot release versions (v0.3.0 for FPWD, v0.4.0 for WD-2018-04-05, v0.5.0 for WD-2018-10-??)
You can also see examples/scripts
to have a feeling of how to script a Thing.
- HTTP ✔️
- HTTPS ✔️
- CoAP ✔️
- CoAPS ✔️
- Websocket ✔️
- MQTT ✔️
Note: More protocols can be easily added by implementing ProtocolClient
, ProtocolClientFactory
, and ProtocolServer
- JSON ✔️
- Plain text ✔️
- CBOR ✖️
- EXI ✖️
Note: More mediaTyes can be easily added by implementing ContentCodec
We used to have a node-wot-logger package to allow fine-grained logging (by means of Winston). It turned out though that depending on the actual use-case other logging libraries might be better suited. Hence we do not want to prescribe which logging library to use. Having said that, we use console statements which can be easily overriden to use the prefered logging library if needed (see here).
Using NPM, you can install NodeJS independent from the usually outdated package managers such as apt. This is nicely done by n:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
To get the "stable" version:
sudo n stable
To get the "latest" version:
sudo n latest
Finally, make the node command available through:
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/<VERSION>/bin/node /usr/bin/node