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feat(pollux): implement revocation BitString and VC SL 2021 generation (
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Signed-off-by: Benjamin Voiturier <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Shota Jolbordi <[email protected]>
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bvoiturier authored and Shota Jolbordi committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 892d078 commit 6a2f314
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import{DecodingError, EncodingError, IndexOutOfBounds}
import zio.{IO, UIO, ZIO}

import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import java.util
import java.util.Base64
import{GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream}

class BitString private (val bitSet: util.BitSet, val size: Int) {
def setRevoked(index: Int, value: Boolean): IO[IndexOutOfBounds, Unit] =
if (index >= size)"bitIndex >= $size: $index"))
else ZIO.attempt(bitSet.set(index, value)).mapError(t => IndexOutOfBounds(t.getMessage))

def isRevoked(index: Int): IO[IndexOutOfBounds, Boolean] =
if (index >= size)"bitIndex >= $size: $index"))
else ZIO.attempt(bitSet.get(index)).mapError(t => IndexOutOfBounds(t.getMessage))

def revokedCount(): UIO[Int] = ZIO.succeed(

def encoded: IO[EncodingError, String] = {
for {
bitSetByteArray <- ZIO.succeed(bitSet.toByteArray)
This is where the size constructor parameter comes into play (i.e. the initial bitstring size requested by the user).
Interestingly, the underlying 'bitSet.toByteArray()' method only returns the byte array that are 'in use', which means the bytes needed to hold the current bits that are set to true.
E.g. Calling toByteArray on a BitSet of size 64, where all bits are false, will return an empty array. The same BitSet with the fourth bit set to true will return 1 byte. And so on...
So, the paddingByteArray is used to fill the gap between what BitSet returns and what was requested by the user.
If the BitString size is 131.072 and no VC is revoked, the final encoding (as per the spec) should account for all bits, and no only those that are revoked.
The (x + 7) / 8) is used to calculate the number of bytes needed to store a bit array of size x.
paddingByteArray = new Array[Byte](((size + 7) / 8) - bitSetByteArray.length)
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
_ <- (for {
gzipOutputStream <- ZIO.attempt(new GZIPOutputStream(baos))
_ <- ZIO.attempt(gzipOutputStream.write(bitSetByteArray))
_ <- ZIO.attempt(gzipOutputStream.write(paddingByteArray))
_ <- ZIO.attempt(gzipOutputStream.close())
} yield ()).mapError(t => EncodingError(t.getMessage))
} yield {

object BitString {
The minimum size of the bit string according to the VC Status List 2021 specification.
As per the spec "... a minimum revocation bitstring of 131.072, or 16KB uncompressed... is enough to give holders an adequate amount of herd privacy"
val MIN_SL2021_SIZE: Int = 131072

def getInstance(): IO[BitStringError, BitString] = getInstance(MIN_SL2021_SIZE)

def getInstance(size: Int): IO[BitStringError, BitString] = {
if (size % 8 != 0)"Bit string size should be a multiple of 8"))
else ZIO.succeed(BitString(new util.BitSet(size), size))

def valueOf(b64Value: String): IO[DecodingError, BitString] = {
for {
ba <- ZIO.attempt(Base64.getUrlDecoder.decode(b64Value)).mapError(t => DecodingError(t.getMessage))
} yield {
val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba)
val gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(bais)
val byteArray = gzipInputStream.readAllBytes()
BitString(util.BitSet.valueOf(byteArray), byteArray.length * 8)

sealed trait BitStringError

object BitStringError {
final case class InvalidSize(message: String) extends BitStringError
final case class EncodingError(message: String) extends BitStringError
final case class DecodingError(message: String) extends BitStringError
final case class IndexOutOfBounds(message: String) extends BitStringError
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import io.circe.syntax.*
import io.circe.{Json, JsonObject}
import{DecodingError, EncodingError}
import zio.{IO, UIO, ZIO}

import java.time.Instant

class VCStatusList2021 private (val vcPayload: W3cCredentialPayload, jwtIssuer: Issuer) {

def encoded: UIO[JWT] = ZIO.succeed(W3CCredential.toEncodedJwt(vcPayload, jwtIssuer))

def getBitString: IO[DecodingError, BitString] = {
for {
encodedBitString <- ZIO
.mapError(_ => DecodingError("'encodedList' attribute not found in credential subject"))
bitString <- BitString.valueOf(encodedBitString).mapError(e => DecodingError(e.message))
} yield bitString

object VCStatusList2021 {

enum Purpose(val name: String):
case Revocation extends Purpose("revocation")
case Suspension extends Purpose("suspension")

def build(
vcId: String,
slId: String,
jwtIssuer: Issuer,
revocationData: BitString,
purpose: Purpose = Revocation
): IO[EncodingError, VCStatusList2021] = {
for {
encodedBitString <- revocationData.encoded.mapError(e => EncodingError(e.message))
} yield {
val claims = JsonObject()
.add("id", slId.asJson)
.add("type", "StatusList2021".asJson)
.add("encodedList", encodedBitString.asJson)
val w3Credential = W3cCredentialPayload(
`@context` = Set(
maybeId = Some(vcId),
`type` = Set("VerifiableCredential", "StatusList2021Credential"),
issuer = jwtIssuer.did,
issuanceDate =,
maybeExpirationDate = None,
maybeCredentialSchema = None,
credentialSubject = claims.asJson,
maybeCredentialStatus = None,
maybeRefreshService = None,
maybeEvidence = None,
maybeTermsOfUse = None
VCStatusList2021(w3Credential, jwtIssuer)

def decode(encodedJwtVC: JWT, issuer: Issuer): IO[DecodingError, VCStatusList2021] = {
for {
jwtCredentialPayload <- ZIO
.fromTry(JwtCredential.decodeJwt(encodedJwtVC, issuer.publicKey))
.mapError(t => DecodingError(t.getMessage))
} yield VCStatusList2021(jwtCredentialPayload.toW3CCredentialPayload, issuer)


sealed trait VCStatusList2021Error

object VCStatusList2021Error {
final case class EncodingError(msg: String) extends VCStatusList2021Error
final case class DecodingError(msg: String) extends VCStatusList2021Error
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import{IndexOutOfBounds, InvalidSize}
import zio.*
import zio.test.*
import zio.test.Assertion.*

object BitStringSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {


override def spec = suite("Revocation BitString test suite")(
test("A default bit string instance has zero revoked items") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance()
revokedCount <- bitString.revokedCount()
} yield {
assertTrue(revokedCount == 0)
test("A default bit string instance is correctly encoded/decoded") {
for {
initialBS <- BitString.getInstance()
encodedBS <- initialBS.encoded
decodedBS <- BitString.valueOf(encodedBS)
decodedRevokedCount <- decodedBS.revokedCount()
reencodedBS <- decodedBS.encoded
} yield {
assertTrue(encodedBS == MIN_SIZE_SL2021_WITH_NO_REVOCATION)
&& assertTrue(decodedBS.size == BitString.MIN_SL2021_SIZE)
&& assertTrue(decodedBS.size == initialBS.size)
&& assertTrue(decodedRevokedCount == 0)
&& assertTrue(encodedBS == reencodedBS)
test("A bit string with custom size and revoked items is correctly encoded") {
for {
initialBS <- BitString.getInstance(800)
_ <- initialBS.setRevoked(753, true)
_ <- initialBS.setRevoked(45, true)
encodedBS <- initialBS.encoded
decodedBS <- BitString.valueOf(encodedBS)
decodedRevokedCount <- decodedBS.revokedCount()
isDecodedRevoked1 <- decodedBS.isRevoked(753)
isDecodedRevoked2 <- decodedBS.isRevoked(45)
isDecodedRevoked3 <- decodedBS.isRevoked(32)
} yield {
assertTrue(decodedRevokedCount == 2)
&& assertTrue(isDecodedRevoked1)
&& assertTrue(isDecodedRevoked2)
&& assertTrue(!isDecodedRevoked3)
test("A custom bit string size is a multiple of 8") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(31).exit
} yield assert(bitString)(failsWithA[InvalidSize])
test("The first index is 0 and last index at 'size - 1'") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(24)
_ <- bitString.setRevoked(0, true)
_ <- bitString.setRevoked(bitString.size - 1, true)
result <- bitString.setRevoked(bitString.size, true).exit
} yield assert(result)(failsWithA[IndexOutOfBounds])
test("Revoking with a negative index fails") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(8)
result <- bitString.setRevoked(-1, true).exit
} yield assert(result)(failsWithA[IndexOutOfBounds])
test("Revoking with an index above the range fails") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(8)
result <- bitString.setRevoked(20, false).exit
} yield assert(result)(failsWithA[IndexOutOfBounds])
test("Getting revocation state with a negative index fails") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(8)
result <- bitString.isRevoked(-1).exit
} yield assert(result)(failsWithA[IndexOutOfBounds])
test("Getting revocation state with an index above the range fails") {
for {
bitString <- BitString.getInstance(8)
result <- bitString.isRevoked(20).exit
} yield assert(result)(failsWithA[IndexOutOfBounds])

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import{DID, ES256Signer, Issuer, JwtCredential}
import zio.test.{Spec, ZIOSpecDefault, assertTrue}
import zio.{UIO, ZIO}

import{KeyPairGenerator, SecureRandom}

object VCStatusList2021Spec extends ZIOSpecDefault {

private val VC_ID = ""

private def generateIssuer(): UIO[Issuer] = {
val keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC")
val ecSpec = ECGenParameterSpec("secp256r1")
keyGen.initialize(ecSpec, SecureRandom())
val keyPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair()
val privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate
val publicKey = keyPair.getPublic
did = DID("did:issuer:MDP8AsFhHzhwUvGNuYkX7T"),
signer = ES256Signer(privateKey),
publicKey = publicKey

override def spec = suite("VCStatusList2021")(
test("Generate VC contains required fields in 'credentialSubject'") {
for {
issuer <- generateIssuer()
bitString <- BitString.getInstance()
statusList <-, s"$VC_ID#list", issuer, bitString)
encodedJwtVC <- statusList.encoded
jwtVCPayload <- ZIO.fromTry(JwtCredential.decodeJwt(encodedJwtVC, issuer.publicKey))
credentialSubjectKeys <- ZIO.fromOption(jwtVCPayload.credentialSubject.hcursor.keys)
} yield {
assertTrue(credentialSubjectKeys.toSet == Set("id", "type", "statusPurpose", "encodedList"))
test("Generated VC is valid") {
for {
issuer <- generateIssuer()
bitString <- BitString.getInstance()
statusList <-, s"$VC_ID#list", issuer, bitString)
encodedJwtVC <- statusList.encoded
_ <- ZIO.logInfo(s"$encodedJwtVC")
valid <- ZIO.succeed(JwtCredential.validateEncodedJwt(encodedJwtVC, issuer.publicKey))
} yield {
test("Revocation state is preserved during encoding/decoding") {
for {
issuer <- generateIssuer()
bitString <- BitString.getInstance()
_ <- bitString.setRevoked(1234, true)
statusList <-, s"$VC_ID#list", issuer, bitString)
encodedJwtVC <- statusList.encoded
decodedStatusList <- VCStatusList2021.decode(encodedJwtVC, issuer)
decodedBS <- decodedStatusList.getBitString
revokedCount <- decodedBS.revokedCount()
isRevoked1 <- decodedBS.isRevoked(1233)
isRevoked2 <- decodedBS.isRevoked(1234)
} yield {
assertTrue(revokedCount == 1) &&
assertTrue(!isRevoked1) &&

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