Hyperledger India Chapter started with the https://start-here.hyperledger.org to help new developers look for contribution opportunities. The tool provides an option to see through a list of all "Good First Issues", "Open PRs" and "Releases".
The requirement, in this proposal, is to extend or improve the website to include - role-based navigation (eg. Developer, Business User, Contributor, etc) to information. The process will involve adding easy to access links or information for project documentation, community contribution guidelines, guiding (new & experienced) users towards how to start & what tasks require contribution, informing the latest happenings within the community (i.e. figuring out available events and meetups), and Calendar(s). The cherry on top of it would be to have navigations defined for different users and search capability.
The task would start with the survey on what somebody looks for within the community, understand what troubles them. The project is aimed at providing an improved user experience.