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Network Filesystem Validator (beta version)

NFV is a Python libarary designed to simulate E2E user scenarios based on manipulating file tree, which can be manipulated along with NFS, SMB and even local file systems.

With nfv_tree, manipulations regarding network filesystem could be more flexible and programmatic.

  • Support both Filesystem and rawdisk(block)
  • Discreional files/directories deployment
  • Manipulating files/diretories with more accessbilities
  • Plaftform-crossed support (Windows and Linux)
  • Alternate Data Stream supported
  • File byte-range locks supported
  • Rich and customizable data-pattern supported
  • Innate user like test scenarios supported


  • Windows 7 or above with python3 installed
  • Linux with python3 installed


nfv_tree was published onto pypi, therefore you can install it from pip directly

python -m pip install nfv_tree
Collecting nfv_tree
  Using cached nfv_tree-0.8.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: nfv-tree
  Running install for nfv-tree ... done
Successfully installed nfv-tree-0.8


After installation, nfv_tree module is available for use, import it as usual before your using:

Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import nfv_tree.nfvtree

There are 6 primary classes defined in nfv_tree module

NfvTree NfvTree is the fundamental class represent the file tree, which is comprised of multiple sub folders and NfvFile objects. NfvTree object support bunch of manipulations on containing files , such as overwrite, copy, move, checksum etc.

NfvFile NfvFile is the class represents a file. NfvFile object support bunch of file manipulations on itself, such as overwrite, copy, move, checksum etc.

NfvIoTactic Tactic of the I/O to be adopted, including strategies of data pattern, seek type, io size etc.

NfvBlock NfvBlock is inherited from NfvFile while it arms on do I/O on block device.

NfvLockManager A class designed to manager byte range locks, by which way, user could easily manage large number of locks with small snippet of code

NfvLock A class represents a byte range locks, which can be manipulate either independently or managed by NfvLockManager object

NfvLun (To Be Implmented) A class represent raw disk, which can be exercised by attaching a NfvIoTactic object

Sample: Basic File Tree Manipulations

from nfv_tree.nfvtree import NfvTree, NfvFile, NfvIoTactic

# Create a file tree with 3 tree width and 2 tree depth under directory test_dir\test_tree
mytree = NfvTree(tree_root="test_dir\test_tree", tree_width=3, tree_depth=2)

# Deploy 100 files with 1MB size in the file tree
mytree.create_file(number=100, size='1m')

# Tailor the number of files of the tree to 30

# Tailor the number of containing file to 200 with size of incremental file 2 MB
mytree.tailor(file_number=200, file_size='2M')

# Create a NfvIoTactic object which adopts random data pattern
iot = NfvIoTactic(data_pattern='random')

# Apply the new i/o tactic

# overwrite with new i/o tactic

Sample: File Manipulations

from nfv_tree.nfvtree import NfvTree, NfvFile, NfvIoTactic

# Create a test file with 1MB file size
myfile = NfvFile(path="test_dir\test_file.txt", size='1M', io_tactic=NfvIoTactic())

# Checksum the file 

# Report the checksum 

# Duplicate the file
copiedfile = myfile.copy(dest_path='copied_file.txt')

# Validate the checksum of copied_file.txt (should be the same as of test_file.txt)

# Overwrite the file with different data pattern, io size and seek mode
iot = NfvIoTactic(data_pattern='random', seek_type='reverse', io_size='3k')

Sample: Data Pattern Customization

from nfv_tree.nfvtree import NfvTree, NfvFile, NfvIoTactic

# build a compress data pattern with 90% compressible ratio
dp1 = NfvIoTactic.compress_pattern(comress_ratio=90, io_size='80k', chunk=10)

# build a data pattern with binary zero
dp2 = NfvIoTactic.hex_pattern(hex_value='00', io_size='10k')

# build a 20KB size data pattern with customized bits like '10000001'  
dp3 = NfvIoTactic.bit_pattern(bits='10000001', io_size='20k')

# compound all built data pattern together
dp = dp1 + dp2 + dp3

# initialize a NfvIoTactic object and set the data pattern
iot = NfvIoTactic()

# create a file tree then create 100 files with assigned data pattern
mytree=(tree_root='test_dir\test_tree', io_tactic=iot)
mytree.tailor(file_number=100, file_size='1M')

Sample: File Lock Manipulations

from nfv_tree.nfvtree import NfvFile, NfvLock, NfvLockManager

# Create a file for later locking manipulation with default size 8k
myfile = NfvFile(path="test_file.txt", io_tactic=NfvIoTactic())

# Create a NfvLockManager object for managing multiple file locks
lckmgr = NfvLockManager()

# Attach lock manager to the file

# Produce 10 byte-range locks with each lock has 10 bytes of length 
lckgen = lckmgr.feed_lock(length=10)
for _ in range(10):

# Switch on all 10 locks attached on the file
for lck in lckmgr:
# Wait for 10 seconds then switch off the lock
import time
for lck in lckmgr:

Sample: Basic ADS Manipulation(TBD)

Methods Overview


def create_file(size='8K', number=1, io_tactic=None):
""" create a NfvFile object in NfvTree object

param size        : size of the file to be created 
param number      : number of files to be created
param io_tactic   : a NfvIoTactic object to be set for I/O manipulations
return            : none

def set_tactic(io_tactic=None):
""" set the IO tactic to be adopted for IO manipulation

param io_tactic   : a NfvIoTactic object to be set for I/O manipulations
return            : none

def remove_file(number=1):
""" remove NfvFile object in the NfvTree object

param number      : number of file to be removed
return            : none

def get_property(name=None):
""" get value of given property of NfvTree object

param name        : the name of property which value to be retrieved 
return            : value of given property

def tailor(file_number=None, file_size='8k'):
""" tailor the NfvFile objects in NfvTree object to expected number

param file_number : the number of NfvFile object to be tailored to
param file_size   : the size of newly created NfvFile object in the NfvTree object
return            : none

def truncate(target_size=None):
""" truncate the size of all NfvFile objects in the NfvTree object to given size

param size        : the size of NfvFile object to be truncated to
return            : none

def append(delta=None):
""" append all NfvFile object in the NfvTree object

param delta       : the delta size to be appended
return            : none

def copy(dest_tree=None, name_length=8, name_seed=None):
""" copy the NfvTree object 

param dest_tree   : the tree root path of destination NfvTree object, if it's None, the destination tree will be merged into current NfvTree object
param name_length : the name of length of NfvFile objects of the  destination NfvTree object
param name_seed   : the name seed of NfvFile objects of the  destination NfvTree object
return            : the destination NfvTree object

def rename(name_seed=None, name_length=8):
""" rename the NfvFile object in the NfvTree object

param name_length : the name of length of NfvFile objects to be renamed to 
param name_seed   : the name seed of NfvFile of the NfvFile object to be used when rename
return            : none

def overwrite():
""" overwrite the data of NfvFile object of NfvTree object

return            : none

def read():
""" read the data of each NfvFile objects in the NfvTree object

return            : none

def checksum(self, chunk_size=4096):
""" checksum the data of NfvFile objects in NfvTree object
return            : none

def clear_file():
""" clear all on-disk files with NfvTree object

return            : none


def set_tactic(io_tactic=None):
""" set the io tactic for I/O manipulation

param io_tactic   : the name of property which value to be retrieved 
return            : value of given property
def get_property(name=None):
""" get value of given property of NfvIoTactic object

param name        : the name of property which value to be retrieved 
return            : value of given property

def truncate(target_size=None):
""" truncate the size of all NfvFile object to given size

param size        : the size of NfvFile object to be truncated to
return            : none

def append(delta=None):
""" append the size of NfvFile object

param delta       : the delta size to be appended
return            : none

def copy(dest_path=None, name_length=8, name_seed=None):
"""copy the NfvFile object

param dest_path   : the path of destination NfvFile object, if it's None, a random path will be used
param name_length : the name of length of NfvFile objects of the  destination NfvFile object
param name_seed   : the name seed of NfvFile objects of the destination NfvFile object
return            : none

def rename(name_seed=None, name_length=8):
""" rename the NfvFile object

param name_length : the name of length of NfvFile objects to be renamed to
param name_seed   : the name seed of NfvFile of the NfvFile object to be used when rename
return            : none

def overwrite():
""" overwrite the data of NfvFile object 

return            : none

def read():
""" read the data of each NfvFile object

return            : none

def checksum(chunk_size=4096):
""" checksum the data of NfvFile objects in NfvTree object

return            : checksum value

def create_ads(streams=None, size='8k'):
""" create ADS stream on NfvFile object

param streams     : stream names to be created, accept dash and comma for easy input (ie: stream1-stream10, newstream)
param size        : size of the each stream to be created
return            : none

def overwrite_ads(streams=None, size='8k'):
""" overwrite ADS streams on NfvFile object

param streams     : stream names to be overwrote, accept dash and comma for easy input (ie: stream1-stream10, newstream)
param size        : size of the each stream to be overwrote
return            : none

def remove_ads(streams=None):
""" remove ADS streams on NfvFile object

param streams     : stream names to be removed, accept dash and comma for easy input (ie: stream1-stream10, newstream)
return            : none


def set_property(self, attrs={}):
""" set the property of NfvIoTactic object

param attrs        : a dict object contains key-value pairs of properties to be set
return             : none

def get_property(name=None):
""" get value of given property of NfvIoTactic object

param name         : the name of property which value to be retrieved 
return             : value of given property

def get_data_pattern(self):
""" get current data pattern of the NfvIoTactic object

return             : value of the data pattern

def set_data_pattern(self, data=None):
""" set data pattern of NfvIoTactic object
param data         : the data pattern to be applied to the NfvIoTactic object
return             : value of the data pattern

def clear_data_pattern(self):
""" clear the data pattern in current NfvIoTactic object

return             : none

def fixed_pattern(pattern=None, io_size='8k'):
""" build  a fixed data pattern with given io_size

param pattern      : the pattern template used to build data pattern
param io_size      : the size of data pattern to be built
return             : value of the data pattern just built

def random_pattern(io_size='8k'):
desc.              : build a random data pattern with given io_size
param io_size      : the size of data pattern to be built
return             : value of the data pattern just built

def hex_pattern(hex_value='00', io_size='8k'):
""" build a data pattern with given io_size which is customizable in hex value

param hex_value    : the patten template in hex value
return             : value of the data pattern just built

def bit_pattern(bits='00000000', io_size='8k'):
""" build a data pattern with given io_size which is customizable in bit wise

param bits         : the specific 8 long bits to be used as template for buiding data pattern
return             : value of the data pattern just built

def compound_pattern(contanier=None, pattern_func=None, *args, **kwargs):
""" build a data pattern which compounded on top of existing data pattern(s)

param container    : a variable used for maintaining existing data pattern and data pattern built by current method
param pattern_func : function object used for building data pattern
param *args        : the array arguments passed for pattern builder function
param **kwargs     : the keywords arguments passed for pattern builder function
return             : value of the data pattern just built and compounded


def add_lock(lock=None):
""" add an existing NfvLock object to NfvLockManager object

param lock   : NfvLock object to be added
return       : none

def remove_lock(lock=None):
""" remove an existing NfvLock object from NfvLockManager object

param lock   : NfvLock object to be removed, if it's None, will randomly remove one
return       : none

def attach(file=None):
""" attach to a NfvFile object

param file   : NfvFile object to be attached on
return       : none

def detach():
""" dettach from a NfvFile object

param file   : NfvFile object to be dettached from
return       : none

def get_property(name=None):
""" get the value(s) of property of NfvLockManager object

param name   : name of target property to be retrieved, if it's None, a dict containing all properties will be returned
return       : value of the given property

def feed_lock(start=0, length=1, step=1, end=0, mode='exclusive', data=None):
""" a generator function for feeding NfvLock objects

param start  : start offset the first lock object locates
param length : length in bytes of lock object to be feeded
param step   : the interval between adjacent lock object on the file
param end    : end offset the last lock object locates
param mode   : locking mode to be set (exclusive/shared/exclusive_blk)
yield        : a NfvLock object

def deploy_lock(start=0, step=1, length=1, stop=1, mode='exclusive', data=None):
""" function for creating NfvLock objects within NfvLockManager object

param start  : start offset the first lock object locates
param length : length in bytes of lock object to be feeded
param step   : the interval between adjacent lock object on the file
param end    : end offset the last lock object locates
param mode   : locking mode to be set (exclusive/shared/exclusive_blk)
return       : none

def wipe_lock():
""" wipe all NfvLock object managed by NfvLockManager object

return       : none


def attach(file=None):
""" attach NfvLock object onto a NfvFile obejct

param file : NfvFile object be attached
return     : none

def detach():
""" detach NfvLock object from its attached NfvFile object

return     : none

def is_attached():
""" check if current NfvLock is attached on NfvFile object already

return     : True or False

def is_locked():
""" check if current NfvLock is ON of OFF

return     : True or False

def get_property(name=None):
""" get the value of given property

param name : name of the property to be retrieved
return     : value of property given

def on():
""" switch on the lock

return     : none

def off():
""" switch off the lock

return     : none


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