UIF Text Augmentation Project
Below is the list of libraries that you need to install. Even though requirement.txt contains all the library list, you don't need to manually install all of them.
You'll also need to run
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
to download one of the models
Your .csv data should have below columns
ID, Text, Label
For the training, you can use convertDataFrame (included in Utility.py) to change the format to like below
ID, Text, Class0, Class1, ..., ClassN
You will find where to download the trained model in the folder.
.\Code\TextAgumentation.py : Main text augmentation template. The default method is recursive synonym replacement method.
.\Code\UIFClassifierBert_Train.py : Slightly modified version of BERT based classifier.
.\Code\UIFClassifierBert_Predict.py : Predictor using the trained model from the above code.
.\Code\Utility.py: Contains various utility function including convert function.
So the flow should be like below:
- Prepare the training data with text augmentation: Feed your original text data (in the original column format) to generate augmented text data
- Convert the data to BERT supported format (using convertDataFrame)
- Train your model with the data
- Predict with the model
- Analyze the result with some functions in Utility (like ROCAnalysis)
Have fun and leave comment if you have any questions