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Version 590

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@hydrusnetwork hydrusnetwork released this 18 Sep 20:13


  • the 'check now' button in manage subscriptions is generally more intelligent and now offers questions around paused status: if all the selected queries are DEAD, it now asks you if you want to resurrect them with a yes/no variant of the DEAD/ALIVE question (previously it just did it); if you are in edit subscriptions and any of the selected subs are paused, it now asks you if you want to include them (and unpause) in the check now, and if not it reduces the queries examined for the DEAD/ALIVE question appropriately (previously it just did their queries, and did not unpause); in either edit subscriptions or edit subscription, if any queries in the selection after any 'paused subs' or 'DEAD/ALIVE' filtering are paused, it asks you if you want to include (and unpause) them in the check now (previously it just did and unpaused them all)
  • if you shrink the search page's preview window down to 0 size (which it will suddenly snap to, and which is a silghtly different hide state to the one caused by double-left-clicking the splitter sash), the preview canvas will now recognise it is hidden and no longer load media as you click on thumbs. previously this thing was loading noisy videos in the background etc..
  • the StringMatch 'character set' match type now has 'hexadecimal characters' (^[\da-fA-F]+$) and 'base-64 characters' (^[a-zA-Z\d+/]+={0,2}$) in its dropdown choice
  • the 'gui pages' options panel now has 'when closing tabs, move focus (left/right)', so if you'd rather move left when middle-clicking tabs etc.., you can now set it, and if your style's default behaviour is whack and never moved to the right before despite you wanting it, now you can force it; it is now explicit either way. let me know if any crazy edge-case focus logic happens in this mode with nested page of pages or whatever
  • when you right-click a file, in the share->copy hash menu, the md5, sha1, and sha512 hashes are now loaded from the database, usually in the milliseconds after the menu is opened, and shown in the menu labels for quick human reference. if your client does not have these hashes for the file, it says so
  • the 'share' thumbnail menu is now visible on non-local files. it is severely truncated, basically just shows copy hash/file_id stuff
  • wrote a 'Current Deleted Pending Petitioned' section for the Developer API to discuss how the states in the content storage system overlap and change in relation to various commands in the content update pipeline It may be of interest to non-API-devs who are generally interested in what exactly the 'pending' state etc.. is
  • if the file import options in a hard drive import page currently imports to an empty location context (e.g. you deleted the local file service it wanted to import to), the import page now pauses and presents an appropriate error text. the URL importers already did this, so this is the hdd import joining them
  • this 'check we are good to do file work' test in the importer pages now in all cases pursues a 'default' file import options to the actual real one that will be used, so if your importer file import options are borked, this is now detected too and the importer will pause rather than fail everything in its file log
  • thanks to a user, fixed a typo bug in the new multi-column list work that was causing problems when looking at gallery logs that included mis-linked log entries. in general, the main 'turn this integer into something human' function will now handle errors better

default downloaders

  • advanced/technical, tl;dr: URLs save better now. since a better fix will take more work, the 'x post' URL class is for now set to associate URLs. this fixes the association of URLs when those are explicitly referred to as source URLs in a booru post. previously, some hydrus network engine magic related to how x URLs are converted to twitter URLs (and then fx/vxtwitter URLs) to get parsed by the twitter parser was causing some problems. a full 'render this URL as this URL' system will roll out in future to better handle this situation where two non-API URLs can mean the same thing. this will result in some twitter/x post URL duplication--we'll figure out a nice merge later!

duplicate auto-resolution tech

  • I have written the first skeleton of the MetadataConditional object. it has a rule based on a system predicate (like 'width > 400px') and returns True/False when you give it a media object. this lego-brick will plug into a variety of different systems in future, including the duplicate auto-resolution system, with a unified UI
  • system predicates cannot yet do this arbitrarily, so it will be future work to fill out this code. to start with, I've just got system:filetype working to ultimately effect the first duplicate auto-resolution job of 'if pixel duplicates and one is jpeg, one png, then keep the jpeg'
  • add some unit tests to test this capability

boring search object code decoupling

  • refactored the main Predicate object and friends to the new ClientSearchPredicate
  • refactored the main NumberTest object and friends to the new ClientNumberTest
  • refactored the main TagContext object and friends to the new ClientTagContext
  • refactored the main FileSearchContext object and friends to the new ClientSearchFileSearchContext
  • moved some other ClientSearch stuff to other places and renamed the original file to ClientSearchFavourites; it now just contains the favourite searches manager
  • some misc cleanup around here. some enums had bad names, that sort of thing