C++ library for calling OpenAI's api. Only one OpenAIService class implements all network requests.
it’s a "community-maintained" library and welcome anyone who holds interest in General Language Model to join us.
- Models
- Completions
- Chat
- Edits
- Images
- Embeddings
- Audio(also known as whisper)
- File
- Fine-tunes
- Moderations
The library currently supports Windows, Linux and Android platforms.
- Install vcpkg tool, modify the path to vcpkg.make in openai-cpp/CMakeLists.txt.
SET(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "absolute/path/to/vcpkg.cmake")
- Download openssl source code and switch to tag "openssl-3.1.0"(maybe update to a higher version in the future).
install perl
install nasm and add nasm path to the environment variables list
open Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt with administrative privileges and find where vcvarsall.bat is.(you can use the commandline below and probably find it at "../visual_studio_2022/VC/Auxiliary/Build/")
find ../visual_studio_2022/ -name "vcvarsall*"
query your windows SDK version(open Visual Studio Installer and find the installed SDK's version)
go into the directory where vcvarsall.bat locates and input the commandline into the prompt
vcvarsall.bat <your computer soc's architecture> <windows SDK version>
From the root of the OpenSSL source directory enter perl Configure VC-WIN32 if you want 32-bit OpenSSL or perl Configure VC-WIN64A if you want 64-bit OpenSSL or perl Configure VC-WIN64-ARM if you want Windows on Arm (win-arm64) OpenSSL or perl Configure to let Configure figure out the platform
input the commandlines into the prompt
nmake nmake test nmake install
- Download curl source code and switch to tag "curl-8_0_1"(maybe update to a higher version in the future).
cd <curl root directory> ./buildconf.bat cd winbuild nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=static WITH_DEVEL=<path/to/your/installed/openssl/library> VC=14 WITH_SSL=static ENABLE_NGHTTP2=no ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_IDN=no GEN_PDB=no ENABLE_WINSSL=no DEBUG=no MACHINE=<your computer soc's architecture>
- modify curl headers and library paths in openai-cpp/CMakeLists.txt
SET(CURL_INCLUDE_DIR "path/to/curl/headers") target_link_libraries(openai-cpp "path/to/libcurl_a.lib")
- Install jsoncpp
- vcpkg.exe install jsoncpp
(note: vcpkg's default supported architecture is x86, if you need install x86_amd64 arch packages,please modify environment variable like this)
set system environment variable VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-windows
- vcpkg.exe install jsoncpp
(note: vcpkg's default supported architecture is x86, if you need install x86_amd64 arch packages,please modify environment variable like this)
- Open cmake gui and start to compile openai-cpp static library
- config openai-cpp root directory as src and specify the path to CMakeLists.txt
- configure->genereate->open project->compile
- Create a project to test openai-cpp.lib
- add header dependencies:
curl headers
openssl headers - add library dependencies:
openai-cpp.lib - right click test project in Visual Studio, select properties, linker->input->add additional dependencies
Crypt32.lib - in code implementation, set up SSL CA absolute path and enable using it, enable https proxy if necessary.
- set up correct OpenAI API Key and Organization ID
- run your test project~
- add header dependencies:
- Set up OpenAI API Key And Organization ID
OpenAIService service{}; service.GetVersion(); service.InitClient("your API key", "your organization ID");
- Set up SSL CA path and enable using it(if you don't have any CA, you can find one in openai-cpp/ssl_certificates/)
service.SetUpCAPath("absolute/path/to/SSL/CA"); service.UseCustomCA(true);
- (Optional) Set up proxy for https requests and enable it
service.SetUpProxy("your proxy"); // e.g. service.EnableProxy(true);
- An example to query the detail of OpenAI model
OpenAIModel *model = service.RetrieveModel("text-davinci-003"); printf("model owned by %s\n", model->owned_by.c_str()); // remember to delete the pointer after using delete model;