Releases: humandecoded/twayback
10-16-22 Release
Broke the program out in to separate files for more modularity and easier understanding.
Added the ability to rotate through a list of proxies to avoid 429 errors.
The dreaded asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError
has finally been resolved! No more Twayback leaving you behind :)
HUGE improvements to async have arrived, thanks to the awesome @humandecoded! Status checking should be much speedier. ⏩
Twayback A is discontinued, as speed was the point there were two versions. 👋
Happy Pluto Day! You'll always be a planet in my heart. 💔
Twayback B has been updated!
async has been implemented, all thanks to @humandecoded , they are awesome! 💛
No more need to ping to convert Twitter URLs to Wayback links! Now that happens locally on your computer. Saves you time, bandwidth, and errors! (#3)
Many bugs have been fixed! When you downloaded HTML pages before, you might have noticed all files were the same. Well, no more. Python script should work on Windows, Linux, and macOS with equal reliability. Non-Latin characters (such as in Arabic or Cyrillic) should display properly. Small but important change: now you can type the date as 2022-02-14 or 2022/02/14, and it'll work! Or, if you don't like punctuation, 20220214 is perfectly fine! 📅
Twayback now has a sibling! 👯
There is Twayback A and Twayback B.
Use Twayback A if you like speed, don't want Python to check the status code of every archive URL, and are trying to get some or all deleted archived Tweets from a handle with less than 3,200 active Tweets. 👍🏻
Use Twayback B if you like to get all deleted archived Tweets from someone with over 3,200 active Tweets. It does this through status code-checking. 😉
Added timeouts and better exception handling so Twayback can retry in cases of failure. ❌
Also made some things tidy for the birds. 🦢
New feature: Screenshots! (Requires Chrome and Chrome driver.) 😊
More bugs have been rescued. 🐜
Parsing Tweets to text ACTUALLY WORKS this time. ✍
Tweets download using the requests
library 💻
Twayback can now parse the text of Tweets and extract it to a file 📝
Sweeping dust and cleaning up here and there 🧹
Bugs are annoying. (Except caterpillars, they're awesome.) 🐛
This release fixes any crashes you have encountered. 👍
Also, I didn't import waybackpack before. Now it is imported. 🤦♂️
Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science! 💪🔬🔭🧪
- Progress bars are awesome, and they're here! 📶
- Peppered some color here and there 🌈
- Twayback can now tell you if the Wayback Machine excludes archived Tweets for the target handle (it can happen) ❌
- Changed from BingBot to DuckDuckBot for checking status codes (I ♥ DuckDuckGo)
- Now powered by waybackpack (thanks jsvine!) 🙏
Second version, yay!
Batch has left the chat. Code is now 100% Python.