This decompiler is for 1.13.1 for now as we really need it for that version only, its wip (for now only decompiling and file tree and renaming is done), the class name renaming will be implemented asap.
Cfr is distributed by (no source disclosed yet and still in beta) (its under MIT:
The Original Srg mappings were kindly provided by skyrising: (its under CC0: Ofc i made a lots of changes to have a correct tree.
Run "forlazy.bat" or python
in shell (you will need python 3.6+, ok lets say 3.7 to be sure)
You will need ofc, java jre and jdk (8 is fine) and 1.13.1.jar either in the folder with or in the regular windows directory (%appdata%/.minecraft/versions/1.13.1/1.13.1.jar)
The program and the files are under MIT license (only the srg and field names, the cfr ls still property of ben). You can credit me or not, your choice.