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Merge pull request #16 from ArsenalBastion4093/patch-6
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huanmieSAA authored Feb 9, 2025
2 parents 07c6fbb + 12ffdcf commit fd679ee
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 51 deletions.
102 changes: 51 additions & 51 deletions 语言文本.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
"play more games to receive a rank": "玩更多的游戏以获得段位",
"Your opponent has disconnected, but may still return.": "您的对手已断开连接,但仍有可能重连。",
"Your will gain points as you wait. If your opponent does not return,you win by default.": "您将会获得一分等待奖励。如果对手没有重连,则您直接获胜。",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,7 +708,7 @@
"meters climbed": "攀登的米数",
"\"Have I been here before..?\"": "“这给我爬哪来了...?”",
"THE EMPEROR": "皇帝",
"highest floor discovered with the \"EXPERT MODE\" mod": "在启用专家模式下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"Expert Mode\" mod": "在启用“专家模式”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"A display of power for those willing to bear its burden.": "欲戴王冠,必承其重。",
"players KO'd in Quick Play": "在快速游戏中击败的玩家数",
Expand All @@ -728,12 +727,12 @@
"Comes in 8 different flavors!":"有 8 种不同口味!",
"highest floor discovered while using 7/8 of the difficulty mods (\"Duo\" not allowed)":"在启用任意七种模组的情况下抵达的最高层数(不包括双人模式)",
"highest total attack within the first 400 pieces placed while using the \"Expert Mode\" and \"Messier Garbage\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest total attack within the first 400 pieces placed while using the \"Expert Mode\" and \"Messier Garbage\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下前400块发送的最多垃圾行",
"Adversity favors the resourceful.":"逆境于智者有益。",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"All-Spin\" mod without performing any Spins":"在启用“All-Spin”模组且不使用任何特殊旋转的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Reaching deep down but coming back empty every time.":"藏锋守拙,从不出手。",
"\"SWAMP WATER LITE\"":"沼泽水特调Lite",
"\"SWAMP WATER LITE\"":"沼泽水特调Lite",
"\"Comes in 8 different flavors!\"":"有 8 种不同口味!",
"\"BLOCK RATIONING\"":"方块配给专家",
"\"Adversity favors the resourceful.\"":"逆境于智者有益。",
Expand All @@ -748,50 +747,50 @@
"\"A MODERN CLASSIC\"":"“现代经典”",
"EXPERT DUO":"专家级双人模式",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"NO HOLD\", \"DOUBLE HOLE GARBAGE\" and \"MESSIER GARBAGE\" mods": "在启用“禁止暂存”、“空洞诅咒”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"No Hold\", \"Double Hole Garbage\" and \"Messier Garbage\" mods": "在启用“禁止暂存”、“空洞诅咒”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"\"Escape has become a distant dream, yet still we struggle...\"": "“纵使已经深陷泥潭,我们仍会挣扎到最后一刻...”",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"GRAVITY\" and \"INVISIBLE\" mods": "在启用“重力”和“隐形”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"Gravity\" and \"Invisible\" mods": "在启用“重力”和“隐形”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"When the world descends into chaos, the grandmaster remains at peace.": "纵使世界混乱,大师亦巍然不动。",
"\"An impossible situation! A daring illusionist! Will he make it out alive?\"":"“绝对不可能逃脱的处境加上一个大胆的魔术师!他能创造奇迹吗?”",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"DOUBLE HOLE GARBAGE\", \"MESSIER GARBAGE\" and \"ALL-SPIN\" mods":"在启用“空洞诅咒”,“垃圾之乱”和“ALL-SPIN”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"Double Hole Garbage\", \"Messier Garbage\" and \"All-Spin\" mods":"在启用“空洞诅咒”,“垃圾之乱”和“ALL-SPIN”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"EXPERT MODE\", \"DOUBLE HOLE GARBAGE\" and \"NO HOLD\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”,“空洞诅咒”和“禁止暂存”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"Expert Mode\", \"Double Hole Garbage\" and \"No Hold\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”,“空洞诅咒”和“禁止暂存”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"The Devil's lesson in humility.":"吃一堑,长一智。",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"EXPERT MODE\", \"DOUBLE HOLE GARBAGE\", \"VOLATILE GARBAGE\" and \"MESSIER GARBAGE\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”,“空洞诅咒”,“达摩克利斯之剑”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"Expert Mode\", \"Double Hole Garbage\", \"Volatile Garbage\" and \"Messier Garbage\" mods":"在启用“专家模式”,“空洞诅咒”,“达摩克利斯之剑”和“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"The universe is yours.":"天下任你闯。",
"highest floor discovered with the \"NO HOLD\" mod":"在启用“禁止暂存”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"No Hold\" mod":"在启用“禁止暂存”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Use each piece as they come and embrace the natural flow of stacking.":"随块而动,随意而堆,块法自然。",
"highest floor discovered with the \"MESSIER GARBAGE\" mod":"在启用“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"Messier Garbage\" mod":"在启用“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"The only constant in life is change.":"计划赶不上变化。",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"NO HOLD\" and \"GRAVITY\" mods":"在启用“禁止暂存”和“重力”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered while using the \"No Hold\" and \"Gravity\" mods":"在启用“禁止暂存”和“重力”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Times were different back then...":"大人,时代变回去了...",
"THE DEVIL":"恶魔",
"highest floor discovered with the \"DOUBLE HOLE GARBAGE\" mod":"在启用“空洞诅咒”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"Double Hole Garbage\" mod":"在启用“空洞诅咒”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Redefine your limits or succumb to his chains.":"突破极限或屈服于他的枷锁。",
"THE TOWER":"高塔",
"highest floor discovered with the \"GRAVITY\" mod":"在启用“重力”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"Gravity\" mod":"在启用“重力”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"What will you do when it all comes crumbling down?":"当万块倾倒而下,你会做些什么?",
"THE HERMIT":"隐士",
"highest floor discovered with the \"INVISIBLE\" mod":"在启用“隐形”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"Invisible\" mod":"在启用“隐形”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"When the outside world fails you, trust the voice within to light a path.":"自助者,天助之。",
"highest floor discovered with the \"ALL-SPIN\" mod":"在启用“ALL-SPIN”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered with the \"All-Spin\" mod":"在启用“All-Spin”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Inspiration is nothing short of magic.":"灵感就是你的魔法。",
"highest floor discovered in a DUO while both players are using the \"EXPERT MODE\" mod":"在启用“专家模式”,“双人模式”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"highest floor discovered in a DUO while both players are using the \"Expert Mode\" mod":"在启用“双人模式”模组且双方均启用“专家模式”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Partners in expertise.":"处理方块我们在行。",
"select a slot to feature an achievement on your profile": "选择一个槽位来在你的个人资料上展示一个成就。",
"select an achievement to feature it, or select the slot again to cancel": "选择一个成就来展示,或者再次选择该槽位以取消展示。",
"Clear 40 LINES using as few inputs as possible": "使用尽可能少的输入完成40行挑战",
"Theoretically efficient can quickly become gloriously impractical.": "“我有一个绝妙的想法,但块速太快,没做完!”",
"games won against players with higher TR": "战胜TR比你高的对手的场次",
"Embrace the unexpected.": "我就是你的意外。",
Expand All @@ -812,38 +811,39 @@
"EMPTY BOX": "盒子空空",
"True minimalism is the art of letting go.": "真正的极简主义是放手的艺术。",
"highest BLITZ score obtained without using Hold": "在不使用暂存的情况下完成BLITZ挑战获得的最高分数",
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"THE TYRANT": "暴君",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Expert Mode\" mod": "在启用逆位“专家模式”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Fear, oppression, and limitless ambition.": "恐惧、压迫和无限的野心。",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"No Hold\" mod": "在启用逆位“禁止暂存”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"A detachment from even that which is moderate.": "对哪怕是中庸之物的疏离。",
"LOADED DICE": "不正当操作",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Messier Garbage\" mod": "在启用逆位“垃圾之乱”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"In a rigged game, your mind is the only fair advantage.": "在被操纵的游戏中,你的头脑是唯一合理的优势。",
"FREEFALL": "自由下落",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Gravity\" mod": "在启用逆位“重力”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"In retrospect, the ground you stood on never existed in the first place.": "回想起来,你所站立的地面始终不存在。",
"LAST STAND": "背水一战",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Volatile Garbage\" mod": "在启用逆位“达摩克利斯之剑”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Strength isn't necessary for those with nothing to lose.": "对那些一无所有的人来说,力量并不重要。",
"DAMNATION": "天谴",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Double Hole Garbage\" mod": "在启用逆位“空洞诅咒”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"No more second chances.": "这是你最后的机会。",
"THE EXILE": "放逐",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"Invisible\" mod": "在启用逆位“隐形”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Never underestimate blind faith.": "永远不要低估盲目的信仰。",
"THE WARLOCK": "邪术师",
"highest floor discovered with the reversed \"All-Spin\" mod": "在启用逆位“All-Spin”模组的情况下抵达的最高层数",
"Into realms beyond heaven and earth.": "踏入超脱天地之境界。",
"Reach floor 3 in all eight reversed mods": "在启用各个逆位模组的情况下抵达第三层",
"Weathering the storm of an unfavorable future.": "承受着不利于未来的风暴。",
"This achievement grants extra Achievement Rating to those who place in its Top 100 leaderboard.": "此成就给进入前100的玩家提供额外的AR。",
"HIDDEN": "隐藏",
"This achievement is only visible to the worthy.": "此成就仅对值得的人可见。",
"UNRANKED": "不予排名",
"This achievement does not contribute to your Achievement Rating.": "此成就不予提供AR。",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@
"DAYS": "天",
"At the end of the year, your rank in the achievement will grant you a": "本年度结束时,将会以您的该成就排名会奖励您一个",
"special badge": "特别徽章",
"": "",
"This achievement was part of the December 2024 event. It is no longer available.": "此成就是2024年12月的一部分。它将不再可用。",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
Expand Down

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