This efficient image augmentation pipline, which only depends on OpenCV and numpy.
- set up config file in json format.
"train": [
{"type": "RandomFlip", "prob": 0.5, "direction": "vertical"},
{"type": "Resize", "height": 400, "width": 400, "always_apply": true},
{"type": "Rotate", "limit": [-5,5], "prob": 0.5},
{"type": "ColorJitter","brightness": 0.1, "contrast": 0.5, "saturation": 0.1, "hue": 0.05, "prob": 1}
"no use": [
{"type": "Normalize", "mean": [0.485,0.456,0.406], "std": [0.229,0.224,0.225], "always_apply": true}
- The code is as follows
import json
from transforms import Compose
import cv2
if __name__ == "__main__":
json_path = "config/test.json"
with open(json_path, 'r') as fp:
cfg = json.load(fp)
transform = Compose(cfg["train"])
img = cv2.imread('images/image_0741.jpg')
data = transform(image=img, info='image')
cv2.imwrite('images/test.jpg', data['image'])
Document will be released later and more image augmentation will be added later.
sample code like:
list_augmentations = [{"type": "RandomFlip", "prob": 1, "direction": "horizontal"}]
transform = Compose(list_augmentations)
data = transform(image=img, bboxes=bboxes, category_ids=category_ids)
Original image
list_augmentations = [{"type": "RandomFlip", "prob": 1, "direction": "horizontal"}]
list_augmentations = [{"type": "RandomFlip", "prob": 1, "direction": "vertical"}]