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hhh edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 3 revisions


 * Emits before main loop.
 * (stoppable &cancelable;
 * Invoke `event.cancel` to skip main loop.)
type WorldBeforeUpdateEvent = Event<'beforeUpdate', null>;

 * Emits after main loop. (stoppable)
type WorldAfterUpdateEvent = Event<'afterUpdate', null>;

 * Type map of events on world nodes.
interface WorldNodeEvents extends CanvasNodeEvents {
    beforeUpdate: WorldBeforeUpdateEvent;
    afterUpdate: WorldAfterUpdateEvent;

 * Type of options for {@link WorldNode}.
type WorldNodeOptions<Events extends WorldNodeEvents> = (CanvasNodeOptions<Events> & Partial<{
     * The duration of a frame. (ms)
     * @default 10
    frameDuration: number;
     * The maximum count of frames that an update can have.
     * @default 3
    maxFrameCount: number;
     * Default value of `renderRoot` & `eventRoot`.
     * @default this.getRoot()
    root: CanvasRoot<any> | null;
     * The root node that should be automatically rerendered.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable automatic rerender.)
     * @default options.root
    renderRoot: CanvasRoot<any> | null;
     * The root node to which event listeners are attached.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable default event handling.)
     * @default options.root
    eventRoot: CanvasRoot<any> | null;
     * The collision checker to use.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable collision checking.)
     * @default Collision.Checkers.SAT
    collisionChecker: CollisionChecker | null;
     * Wether to enable built-in drag handling.
     * @default false
    draggable: boolean;

 * Class of physical world nodes
 * that contain and update body nodes.
 * (Note that inside a world node,
 * the positions of body nodes
 * are represented by their `offset`,
 * relative to the world node.)
class WorldNode<Events extends WorldNodeEvents = WorldNodeEvents> extends CanvasNode<Events> {

     * Constructor of {@link WorldNode}.
    constructor(options?: WorldNodeOptions<Events>);

     * @override CanvasNode.tag
     * @default 'world'
    readonly tag: string;

     * The root node to which event listeners are attached.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable default event handling.)
     * @default options.root
    readonly eventRoot: CanvasRoot<any> | null;

     * The internal pointer constraint.
     * (The `bodyA` is initialized with an anchor body
     * which automatically follows the pointer,
     * and the `bodyB` will be the object being dragged.)
    readonly pointerConstraint: ConstraintNode;

     * @override CanvasNode.penetrable
     * @default true
    penetrable: boolean;

     * The duration of a frame. (ms)
     * @default 10
    frameDuration: number;

     * The maximum count of frames that an update can have.
     * @default 3
    maxFrameCount: number;

     * The root node that should be automatically rerendered.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable automatic rerender.)
     * @default options.root
    renderRoot: CanvasRoot<any> | null;

     * The collision checker to use.
     * (Set this to `null` to disable collision checking.)
     * @default Collision.Checkers.SAT
    collisionChecker: CollisionChecker | null;

     * Wether to enable built-in drag handling.
     * @default false
    draggable: boolean;

     * @override CanvasNode.noChildUpdate
     * @default true
    protected noChildUpdate: boolean;

     * Whether the world is active now.
    get active(): boolean;

     * Activate the world node.
    activate(): void;

     * Deactivate the world node.
    deactivate(): void;

     * Attach event listeners.
     * (This will be automatically invoked in constructor.)
    attachListeners(): void;

     * Detach event listeners.
    detachListeners(): void;

     * @override CanvasNode.updateLayout
    protected updateLayout(timeStamp: number): void;

     * @override CanvasNode.afterUpdate
    protected afterUpdate(timeStamp: number): void;
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