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hhh edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 8 revisions


 * The interface of canvas style properties
interface CanvasStyle {

     * @default null
    fillStyle: null | string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;

     * @default null
    strokeStyle: null | string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;

     * @default 1
    lineWidth: number;

     * @default 'butt'
    lineCap: CanvasLineCap;

     * @default 'miter'
    lineJoin: CanvasLineJoin;

     * @default 0
    lineDashOffset: number;

     * @default null
    lineDash: null | number[];

     * @default 10
    miterLimit: number;

     * @default 'inherit'
    direction: CanvasDirection;

     * @default '18px sans-serif'
    font: string;

     * @default 'left'
    textAlign: CanvasTextAlign;

     * @default 'top'
    textBaseline: CanvasTextBaseline;

     * @default null
    shadowColor: null | string;

     * @default 0
    shadowBlur: number;

     * @default 0
    shadowOffsetX: number;

     * @default 0
    shadowOffsetY: number;

     * @default 1
    opacity: number;

     * The canvas pixel ratio
     * @default window.devicePixelRatio
    ratio: number;


 * The namespace of style-related APIs
namespace Style {

     * The defaults of canvas styles (mutable)
    const defaults: CanvasStyle;

     * Apply the style to the canvas context
    function apply(
        context: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
        style: CanvasStyle
    ): void;

     * Compute the style properties from the child's and its parent's styles
    function compute(
        output: CanvasStyle,
        parentStyle: CanvasStyle,
        childStyle: Partial<CanvasStyle>
    ): void;


Documentation of canvasom

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