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hhh edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 2 revisions


 * Type of data of animation event.
interface AnimationEventData {
     * Current value. (In range [from, to].)
    currentValue: number;
     * Current raw progress. (Linear; in range [0, 1].)
    rawProgress: number;
     * Current progress. (`timing(rawProgress)`)
    progress: number;

 * Emits when animation starts. (stoppable&cancelable)
type AnimationStartEvent = Event<'start', AnimationEventData>;

 * Emits when animation stops(pauses). (stoppable&cancelable)
type AnimationStopEvent = Event<'stop', AnimationEventData>;

 * Emits when animation resumes. (stoppable&cancelable)
type AnimationResumeEvent = Event<'resume', AnimationEventData>;

 * Emits when animation updates. (cancelable)
type AnimationUpdateEvent = Event<'update', AnimationEventData>;

 * Emits when animation finishes. (stoppable&cancelable)
type AnimationFinishEvent = Event<'finish', AnimationEventData>;

 * Type map of animation events.
type AnimationEvents = {
    start: AnimationStartEvent;
    stop: AnimationStopEvent;
    resume: AnimationResumeEvent;
    update: AnimationUpdateEvent;
    finish: AnimationFinishEvent;

 * Type of options of {@link Animation}.
type AnimationOptions<Events extends AnimationEvents> = Partial<{
     * Start value.
     * @default 0
    from: number;
     * End value.
     * @default 1
    to: number;
     * Duration of animation. (ms)
     * @default 1000
    duration: number;
     * The timing function to use.
     * @default Timing.linear
    timing: TimingFunction;
     * The callback that is automatically
     * attached to `update` event.
    callback: EventListener<Events['update']>;
     * Whether to emit `update` events when animation starts.
     * @default true
    updateOnStart: boolean;

 * Class of animations.
class Animation<Events extends AnimationEvents = AnimationEvents> extends EventEmitter<Events> {

     * Constructor of {@link Animation}.
    constructor(options?: AnimationOptions<Events>);

     * Start value.
     * @default 0
    from: number;

     * End value.
     * @default 1
    to: number;

     * Duration of animation. (ms)
     * @default 1000
    duration: number;

     * The timing function to use.
     * @default Timing.linear
    timing: TimingFunction;

     * Whether to emit `update` events when animation starts.
     * @default true
    updateOnStart: boolean;

     * Whether the animation is active.
    get active(): boolean;

     * Current value. (In range [from, to].)
    get currentValue(): number;

     * Current raw progress. (Linear; in range [0, 1].)
    get rawProgress(): number;

     * Current progress. (`timing(rawProgress)`)
    get progress(): number;

     * Start the animation.
     * (Executes `Schedule.animate(this)` automatically.)
    start(timeStamp: number): void;

     * Stop the animation.
     * (Executes `Schedule.cancelAnimation(this)` automatically.)
    stop(timeStamp: number): void;

     * Resume the animation.
     * (Executes `Schedule.animate(this)` automatically.)
    resume(timeStamp: number): void;

     * Finish the animation.
     * (Executes `Schedule.cancelAnimation(this)` automatically.)
    finish(timeStamp: number): void;

     * Update the animation.
    update(timeStamp: number): void;

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