A few points to consider when producing figures and tables presented in the paper (Last update: 25.12.2022):
- For antidpressants, the analysis should begin in the run_analysis folder to generate JAGS output because we could not put them in GitHub repository- large files. Then, the figures and tables can be produced using the codes in these scripts: numbers_in_Results_section.R, produce_appendix_plots_tables.R and produce_maintext_plots_table.R.
- For relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), the anaylsis cannot be run because the data is unavailable. However, some of the JAGS output are available in the folder output\RRMS\JAGS and can be used to produce the figures and tables using the codes in these scripts; numbers_in_Results_section.R, produce_appendix_plots_tables.R and produce_maintext_plots_table.R