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Running test suite with ALPN

Parasuraman N edited this page Jan 31, 2014 · 1 revision

Download the NodeJS with ALPN support and see instructions on how to use it.

Building NodeJS

  1. Clone alpn_support branch
  • git clone alpn_support
  • git submodule init deps/openssl
  • git submodule update deps/openssl
  1. Open /deps/openssl folder
  2. Build the 32-bit static libraries using these instructions but with no-asm option
  3. Copy the built libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib to /deps/openssl
  4. Copy Gdi32.lib and GdiPlus.lib to /deps/openssl
  5. Open node solution in visual studio
  6. Set /deps/openssl folder as additional libary folder: Node project » Context menu » Properties » Configuration properties » Linker » General » Additional Library Directories set : $(ProjectDir)deps\openssl
  7. Explicitly define dependencies: Node project » Context menu » Properties » Configuration properties » Linker » input » Additional Dependencies » Edit
  • winmm.lib
  • advapi32.lib
  • iphlpapi.lib
  • psapi.lib
  • shell32.lib
  • ws2_32.lib
  • ssleay32.lib
  • libeay32.lib
  • kernel32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • uuid.lib
  • ole32.lib
  • Gdi32.lib
  • GdiPlus.lib
  1. Build node solution in visual studio in release mode (very slow in debug mode)
  2. Change node folder in path variable to Release folder.
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