200 subjects
3 faces per subject
size: 24 x 21
The file 'data.mat' has a variable ”face” of size (24x21x600). The images corresponding to the
person labeled n, n = {1, . . . , 200}, can be indexed in Matlab as face(:,:,3*n-2), face(:,:,3*n-1)
and face(:,:,3*n). The first image is a neutral face, the second image is a face with facial
expression, and the third image has illumination variations.
68 subjects
13 images per subject (13 different poses)
size: 48 x 40
The file 'pose.mat' has a variable "pose" of size 48x40x13x68.
pose(:,:,i,j) gives i^th image of j^th subject.
68 subjects
21 images per subject (21 different illuminations)
size: 48x40
The file 'illumination.mat' has a variable "illum" of size 1920x21x68.
reshape(illum(:, i,j), 48, 40) gives i^th image of j^th subject.