I have deployed my app here: 🚀 https://ventureup-2gnp.onrender.com
- The premise of this application is for project management with user specific control system
- Tools re: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express with EJS, Node.js, MongoDB, Google APIs (Google OAuth2), Cyclic
- As of June24, I deployed my app.
- By June16, I implemented authentication including Google OAuth2 logins.
- By June 10, I have emplemented MVC framework and MongoDB database.
- By June 5, I have made more modifications refining my Front End over the span of March to May.
- By March 9, I completed my front end web design.
Use the package manager npm to install VentureUp.
npm install
npm start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.