This is a Tensorflow-Keras implementation of a CNN for estimating visual-BMI, age and gender from a face image. In training, [the IMDB-WIKI dataset, especially wiki_crop version dataset is for age-gender model training, while the BMI dataset is for visual-BMI model training].
###[Log of modification history]
- [Sept. 20, 2020] get to consider and do some research on this topic
- [Oct. 7, 2020] Ready to do the coding Taking Another Tensorflow-based project as reference
- Python3.6+, Tensorfow v1.14+,
- Other modules in python: -- Dlib / MTCNN for running the
DEMO Tested on:
- MacOS10.15.5 Catalina, Python 3.6.9, Tensorflow 1.14
- Run the demo script (requires web cam). You should run the DEMO in the sub-directory of the project path,
", You can use--model_func [function_name]
, these arguments indicating the model-function to demo ! "(bmi-face, age-face, gender-face, abg-face), exclusively.--image_dir [IMAGE_DIR]
, optionally to use images in the directory instead. Othersie the WebCam is employed as default. This directory is absolute path.--weight_file [MODEL located_DIR]
, path to weight file (e.g. *** weights.***.h5)
python --weight_file trained_model --model_func bmi-face --image_dir /Users/YourName/Pictures/test-ABG-model
Firstly, manually download the raw dataset from the url provided:
Secondly, using the following script to generate transferred crop-faces dataset version
python --input original_bmi_dataset --output test_abg_estimation/bmi_face_data
Thirdly, using the following script to generate the dataset label auxilary file in MATLAB format, *.mat.
python --input bmi_face_data --output bmi_face_data --img_size 224
The resulting files with default parameters are included in this repo (meta/imdb.csv and meta/wiki.csv), thus there is no need to run this by yourself.
Train the model architecture using the training data created above:
python --bmi_dataset bmi_face_data
Trained weight files are stored as checkpoints/*.h5