R2D3 is a customized build of D3 powered by RaphaelJS. The combination of D3 and Raphael enable developers to easily build data visualizations that work in IE7+ and all modern browsers.
- R2D3 now using v3.0.8 of D3. Update your code accordingly.
- The
element that loads R2D3 now needscharset="utf-8"
To get started using R2D3, conditionally load r2d3 for Internet Explorer 8 and below. For modern browsers, serve up d3 as you normally would. Don't exclude the charset attribute in the script block, IE needs it parse the latest version of D3 correctly.
<title>R2D3 101</title>
<!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="r2d3.js" charset="utf-8"></script><![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->
<script src="d3.js"></script>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
R2D3 is an attempt to shim SVG functionality via Rapahel to be consumed by D3. Although R2D3 handles most basic SVG functionality, it will never be able to completely shim every feature of SVG. Also, as Internet Explorer 7 & 8 are older browsers, longer rendering times can be expected.
I recommend to try out R2D3 on each of your visualizations to ensure the shim functions correctly for that specific use case. If you find an issue, please log a bug so it can either be patched, or documented as a limitation.
In general, R2D3 works great for smaller, simpler visualizations with limited animations and interactivity.
See the issues page for a listing of known issues. In addition this includes:
Use is not supported.
- The
attributes of text are not yet supported. In the meantime, adjust thex
- Not yet supported
- Not yet supported
- Ensure translations declare both the X and Y coordinates. Example:
// BAD
If you'd like to add a D3 visualization you've made IE compatible with R2D3, issue a pull request and add it here!
D3 is included in this project as as submodule. To pull down D3 for a build run:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
We have included a makefile to build a custom version of D3 packaged with r2d3.
- dependencies Our makefile depends on you having recess, uglify.js. To install, just run the following command in npm:
$ npm install uglify-js -g
- build -
Runs the makefile to concatenate and minify r2d3.js