Python respository for scripts with common fuctions used to manipulate astronomical images. New functions and script will be added as I find myself running the same tasks over and over.
- Collections of functions that I comonly use when working with fits files
- Script with functions to do photometry on a fits file.
This script contains functions to convert the units of astronomical images. So far the conversions include:
- GALEX to mJy/pix (converting to f_lambda first and then to f_nu)
- GALEX to mJy/pix (using zero point values)
- 2MASS to mJy/pix
- Spitzer to mJy/pix
- Herschel to mJy/pix
- MUSE image (Datacube integrated in wavelength) to W/m^2
More conversions will be added as needed. Also includes a function to convert values to NaN, to use in case a task converts them to zero.