The ultimate command line tool for managing ReCT Package System packages for the ReCT programming language.
Borgor not longer works as the development of the rect programming language has ended and the maintanence of (or has come to an end. For this reason, I have decided the project will be publicly archived to indicate the fact that borgor not longer works and will not longer be maintained.
In order to build and install borgor
you must have the Go programming language installed.
A guide to the installation of Go for your platform is available here.
To begin installing borgor
, we first must clone the project using git.
For this, you can use either git via command line, a git client, or even download the most recent source from the releases tab.
To clone using the git command line client you can use the commands below:
git clone [email protected]:hrszpuk/BorgorClient.git
Please open the project folder in the command line:
cd BorgorClient
Next, we need to build the project executable.
This will allow you to run the project code on your computer.
The main
branch of the repository may be unstable, so it is recommended you build from the latest tagged commit.
You can switch to the latest tag commit with the command below:
git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
Then, assuming you have installed the Go programming language as mentioned in the requirements, please
go build -v -o borgor
You should now have an executable file in the project directory called borgor.
On Windows, you can add this directly using software (please see guide here).
On MacOS and Linux, you can either move the executable into a folder that's already on the path (such as sudo mv borgor /usr/bin
or you can add the file to path directly by adding export PATH="$PATH:path/to/executable"
to your ~/.bash_profile
file (make sure to restart the shell).