Software Development Capstone
Some usage instructions
An nvmrc
file is included if using nvm.
- Node 10 MongoDb
From within the root directory:
npm install -g webpack
npm install
"scripts": {
"seed": "node ./database/seed.js",
"dev": "nodemon ./server/index.js",
"dev-react": "webpack -d --watch",
"build": "webpack -p",
"test": "jest --coverage --u",
"test-server": "mocha --exit",
"start": "node ./server/index.js"
- HTTP Verbs
- /house/:parentHouseId/:nearbyNum
"_id": "5d7af74ca85e72d73c7be036",
"parentHouseId": 90,
"nearbyNum": 24,
"imgUrl": "",
"location": "Leonieshire",
"type": "deleniti",
"title": "natus excepturi maiores magnam",
"cost": "$261/night",
"stars": 3,
"reviewCount": 73,
"arrIndex": 11,
"__v": 0
- /house/
parentHouseId: 1,
nearbyNum: 1,
imgUrl: 'http:house.jpg',
location: 'close',
type: 'house',
title: 'a little bit of heaven',
cost: '$65/night',
stars: 4,
reviewCount: 123,
arrIndex: 1, }
- /house/:parentHouseId/:nearbyNum
"_id": "5d798bb1e2cae68d2935923d",
"parentHouseId": 100,
"nearbyNum": 40,
"imgUrl": "",
"location": "O'Connelltown",
"type": "dolores",
"title": "quia laudantium ut inventore",
"cost": "$84/night",
"stars": 4,
"reviewCount": 285,
"arrIndex": 0,
"__v": 0
- /house/:parentHouseId/:nearbyNum