Backblaze B2 is a great cloud storage system that compares to Amazon S3, but uses lower pricing, so worth the try. ;-) Since I couldn't find a serviceprovider to implement B2 into the Laravel Filesystem, I wrote one myself. Feel free to use it.
Via Composer
composer require hpolthof/laravel-backblaze
By default auto-discovery is disabled. If you want the add this package manually or if you are using Laravel < 5.5, then you should add the ServiceProvider manually.
In your app.php config file add to the list of service providers:
Add the following to your filesystems.php config file in the disks
'b2' => [
'driver' => 'b2',
'accountId' => env('B2_ACCOUNT_ID'),
'applicationKey' => env('B2_APP_KEY'),
'bucketName' => env('B2_BUCKET'),
Now just add your credentials and bucketname into your .env
file and you're ready to go!
Just use it as you normally would use the Storage facade.
\Storage::disk('b2')->put('test.txt', 'test')