provides convenience functions for validating data.
It is based around the idea of a Validator
- a function which accepts a
subject and returns a list of errors representing anything invalid about
that subject. If the list is empty, the subject is valid.
For example:
validateModel : Model -> List String
validateModel =
[ .name >> ifBlank "Please enter a name."
, .email >> ifBlank "Please enter an email address."
, .age >> ifNotInt "Age must be a whole number."
type alias Model =
{ name : String, email : String, age : String }
-- Evaluates to True
validateModel { name = "Sam", email = "", age = "abc" }
== ["Please enter an email address.", "Age must be a whole number."]
is not opinionated about how you represent your errors.
For example, you might want to represent them as a tuple of the error message as well as the field responsible for the error:
validateModel : Model -> List (Field, String)
validateModel =
[ .name >> ifBlank (Name, "Please enter a name.")
, .email >> ifBlank (Email, "Please enter an email address.")
, .age >> ifNotInt (Age, "Age must be a whole number.")
type Field =
Name | Email | Age
type alias Model =
{ name : String, email : String, age : String }
-- Evaluates to True
validateModel { name = "Sam", email = "", age = "abc" }
== [(Email, "Please enter an email address."), (Age, "Age must be a whole number.")]